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  • HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Sep 8, 2013.

    1. plzdontban

      plzdontban New Member

      Feb 12, 2012
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      Well nothing can ever be dealt with in absolutes of course, but I'm no novice, so when bots are banned within 48 hours of leveling I look into it. I've leveled multiple batches of 3-4 at a time through there, and the only bots alive are the one's that I noticed were on that quest and I did it manually. Additionally, if you check the log I uploaded, all my bots that were banned, have that exact same log where they are afk on that quest waiting for gutripper to path into them. So perhaps a gm is just manually checking the spot every x hours and ppl afk clustered there are getting hammered or a script is running that has certain parameters that you didn't qualify for.
    2. Azhemoth

      Azhemoth Active Member

      May 8, 2013
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      Because it's not guaranteed to get people banned and you making that claim is absolutely ridiculous.
      I've never had a character banned from doing that quest and I've also never seen anyone claim they've been banned for it.

      You're the first.

      Yes, it's a bad quest and something needs to be done about it.
      But just because it happens to you and you've had a bad experience with it doesn't "guarantee" anything.
      Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
    3. plzdontban

      plzdontban New Member

      Feb 12, 2012
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      Yah I'm the first, that's why echotiger already responded it's a known "nasty quest for botters" but that she's currently busy with legion coding. I also provided empirical evidence including a multi phase study concerning 3 different batches of bots all banned in the same place(with log), and with singular bots from the batches manually completing the quest and surviving. At this point, we now have 12 accounts, over the course of a week, 9 banned in the same spot. 3 alive with manual completion of quest. What serves as evidence to you? This community is honestly so laughable. I already downloaded the pack and disabled it myself for the next batch, so I could care less. Just thought it should be brought to light to spare less adept members of the community. My mistake, won't happen again

      Edit: also not everyone "debugs" their bans. You can currently see a lot of discussion about ppl getting banned faster on movie accounts, or check the ban forums and see some threads about, "why am i being banned in first 24-48 hours" etc. I promise you, some percent of that is due to this quest, and all of a sudden ppl are wondering why they are banned so fast. Maybe its a cheap cd key? a flagged vpn ip? ppl aren't looking for a fatal funnel on a quest. but to each their own, best of luck buddies
      Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
    4. Azhemoth

      Azhemoth Active Member

      May 8, 2013
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      You're insinuating that Echo's quote of it being a "nasty quest" means that he agrees that bans are the result of the quest.
      Which that's a complete stretch of an assumption to make are you're basically forcing words into Echo's mouth at this point.
      What he meant by "nasty quest" is loosely up for us to assume - not for you to use as leverage to shove words into his mouth.

      It's not evidence considering you're the only person having issues with it. All these results tell me is that you're botting on a flagged machine and are just using this quest as an excuse as to why you're getting banned.
      Now - if I was getting banned from this quest, Raaz was getting banned, and the other thousands of people here were getting banned - then maybe it would be a serious issue. But that's not the case.

      People not "d̶e̶b̶u̶g̶g̶i̶n̶g̶" - investigating the cause of their ban is irrelevant considering nobody else is getting banned as a direct result of this quest to begin with.
      You can't investigate a ban that hasn't ever happened.

      Not only that, you're basically saying nobody else on this forum is smart enough to look into things for themselves given that you're the only person ever to report an issue like this.
      Not everybody on this forum is as brain-dead as you're assuming they are. People pay attention to small details like quests like this all the time, hence why when you made this post - others were vocal about it as well.

      Given this;
      If people were getting banned as a result of this quest, then there would definitely be more posts here about it.
      Not just the single report made by you - because you're not the only person out of 100,000+ of the botters here who has half a brain.
      Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
    5. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      I'm sorry for your loss, but nobody else has reported bans regarding this.
      Nor have any of my testers been banned - which I run 5~ accounts 24/7 on this pack.

      There could be a chance that there's a single GM only on your realm that's camping that spot.

      Either way, it should be irrelevant now.
      Currently the 100-110 level range on the Legion beta servers is disabled. So I have time to work on these Outlands quests.

      And I'm currently working around this quest to either remove it or improve it to be human-like.
      Along with a few other quests.
    6. plzdontban

      plzdontban New Member

      Feb 12, 2012
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      I provided more than enough evidence to meet the burden of proof. The fact that my bots done by hand survived while the rest of the team was banned nullifies a flagged machine concept. Whether it's a camping gm like echo suggested, or something else entirely, it is an anomaly, that was reported with evidence to back it up. The fact you respond with condescension is your own choice. I'll just continue racking up revenue that would make your head spin, no need to sit here arguing with a forum puppet. I did my civic duty.
    7. Azhemoth

      Azhemoth Active Member

      May 8, 2013
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      Racking up revenue that'll make my head spin... from botting? Rofl.
      You're speaking to the son of a CEO who runs a multi-million dollar company which manufactures turbines for dams in Japan and who gets a $15,000 check from said-company weekly.
      I don't think any "revenue" that you're getting from botting would ever impress me. Nice try though.

      Yea, "the burden of proof" is that you've only managed to show only an issue for you.
      Until my bots get banned from this quest - or someone else directly says their bot was banned from this quest - you hold no merit to it being a real issue.

      But right now it's a 4 to 1 here in terms of people getting banned.
      And you're on the losing end of that ratio. So the most sensible thing here is that it's an issue on your end, not a global issue.
      Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
    8. DracoBlaze

      DracoBlaze Member

      Apr 16, 2014
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      Levelled up a new character, deleting cache before I start the bot everytime. Its still getting stuck in Nagrand, level 67 on the quest "Windroc Mastery" it targets Gutripper but never attacks it has it goes by.
      also is there any chance on changing the escort quests? Like make the bot move to a spot every few seconds, at the moment I feel we have to do these manually cos the bot seems to do this 1 step and stop walk looks like your obviously botting.
    9. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      The Windroc Mastery quest was removed two days ago.

      Also, "City of Lights" is currently the known "bad" escort quest - the issue is within the Escort logic itself, which there's a ticket open on the internal tracker to fix it up.
      Which other escort quests are you having issues with?
    10. Shaded

      Shaded Member

      Apr 18, 2011
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      Hi Echo

      Will start him asap and let you know, I am really eager to get him going
    11. poulin

      poulin New Member

      Jul 5, 2016
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      problem with questing

      hi, i use 1-100 Guesting profile pack since few days
      but i have a problem with different quests , and this error message appear
      Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 267, Element: <Objective QuestName="A Refugee's Quandary" QuestId="3361" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="10438" CollectCount="1" />
      Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!

      Have you an idea to fix it ?

      Thank you.

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    12. Shaded

      Shaded Member

      Apr 18, 2011
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      Here you go Echo. I am now at my wits end . . .

      View attachment 1664 2016-07-10 10.17.txt

      Then I tried to load the Gorgron one from the budy store but nothing
      Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
    13. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      The log you sent - the bot is trying to pick up The Secrets of Gorgrond which is the quest I had originally removed.
      It seems you aren't using the modified profile I sent for you with the quest taken out.
    14. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Your log is reporting a lot of access errors.
      Do you happen to have any anti-virus installed?

      Or perhaps, any of the programs listed on this Wiki active?:
    15. Shaded

      Shaded Member

      Apr 18, 2011
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      Echo i did previously use that modified one, here is the log with the modified script

      View attachment 12688 2016-07-10 13.38.txt
    16. poulin

      poulin New Member

      Jul 5, 2016
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      I have avast as anti-virus but i don't think avast is the problem,
      i checked your programs list and i use Nvidia Geforce experience but i closed it and i have the same problem
      i tried to repair HB software without success

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    17. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      It's saying the Gorgrond profile doesn't exist - which it's trying to load the Gorgrond profile but you don't have the modified profile within the directory that it should be.
      Move the modified profile into the directory where the unmodified profile is.
    18. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Try abandoning all quests in your questlog - and disable any plugin that doesn't come with the bot.

      If that doesn't work, try changing your DirectX from 11 to 9 (if it's on 11.)

      And if that doesn't work, the only thing I could suggest is try reinstalling the Honorbuddy prerequisites or try putting your Honorbuddy in a different directory such as your Desktop.
    19. Dondarius

      Dondarius New Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      Hey I was wondering. Can you use these profiles while RAF'ing full afk, or will I have to restart them from time to time to make sure they go to level appropiate zones?
    20. Shaded

      Shaded Member

      Apr 18, 2011
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      Hi Echo

      Tried with the modified script and placed it in same folder as the pack after I downloaded it.

      View attachment 10060 2016-07-10 14.54.txt

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