Well hi fellow botters, I stopped using HB when the first 6 month ban hit, for me the bot isn't safe anymore at all. But that is not the matter of this topic... I just read this announcement: "Legionbuddy, our 64-Bit Passive Rotation Bot for Blizzard's World of Warcraft to be released as early access alpha build for all Legendary Buddies. More information in the Legendary Forum." So my question is: Does it really start? Do only get Legendary member a new bot? In other words: Do I have to pay 199 Euro to get this rotation bot?! I thought it is a "support us but not a donation" option for people that want to give more to Bossland? Now it turned into a "you only get informations and bots if you are legendary"? Is it a "click bait" like announcement, to make people get legedary? Sad to say, but if this is the way Bossland wants to work with his clients, the company is dead to me... Or is the announcement just really bad made in terms of used words? Can everybody use/buy that bot, once it is released? I would appreciate some information about that from a Mod or Bossland himself. Thank you
Thank you for your answer Millz. So it is just a bonus for the legendary members to work as alpha testers. I hoped that it was only bad communicated and now I am glad it is that way!
"Legerndary buddy" (199€/y) will get access to early alpha build. When testing is complete, a release will be become available to us. Legionbuddy sub will be cheaper than HonorBuddy sub and pricing will be per class.
Current offerings in store are; Millz's Elite Collection, Dommy's Accessary Rotations and Cokx's Gladiator Suite(edited)
So basicly they are doing the Honorbuddy Version of Soap Box Rotations? If so i will buy the shit out of licenses. Finally a Rotation only Bot
It is not related to SBR since SBR uses injection and is detectable, LB reads memory and emulates keyboard and mouse afaik.
lol its like you did want to dont understand what i said. that the idea behind Legionbuddy is very similiar to SBR is not a secret. sure they are doing things diffrent. But its not like Legionbuddy is the first Routine Only Bot
Idea is to make it passive and undetectable, SBR doesn't have that idea....so we have a difference in ideas -.- Only thing I'm worried about is performance (not FPS, rotation performance) but that is yet to be seen
Hmm, until I actually see some proof of this, it's pretty hard to believe. I don't see how something can be passive yet still use CR's from the store. I guess we'll just have to wait for 1 of the 2 Legendaybuddy members to give some feedback on it.
From a few explanations given: The new Bot only Reads Memory and does not Inject or Write. Everything is setup to be very passive. Of course that means nothing is 100% undetectable but much more seamless to bypass detection. On top of better performance.
There is another bot that has been around for about 2 years now that does this...and no bans with that bot as of yet that are known. But that bot is limited in support and stuff it can do...is a great rotation bot and can mine and herb but that is about it. I can say if you set up your "quickbars" with the skills(stock UI) (as the CR on this other bot is mapped by what is on the bars and uses the number inputs to cast abilities etc...) it works quite well for DPS as a hunter, frost mage, shadow priest, and every melee class, including prot paladin and protection warrior. It does have issues with some healing still and alot of issues with AOE classes abilities of ranged casters like boomkin, locks, fire mages and ele shaman. But I think most of that issue on the other bot is the lack of support and the small size of the community....I don't have a beta key or I would probably be a legendary buddy testing this out right now.
Thank you for your post. I don't get the secrecy of the bot, though. You'd think that if they wanted more people to sign up for legendary, they'd actually give some information about one of the very few benefits of spending 200 EUR with them. Hopefully they can get enough feedback from the 2 legendarybuddy users they actually have.
If you're talking about SBR, they had a major banwave less than a week ago. I was just on their forums reading the 12+ pages of ban reports from the 5th and 6th. It just goes to show that 64-bit will do absolutely nothing to protect any bot user more than x86 will.
No the bot I am talking about uses SPQR (Passive rotation) and is still 32 bit. wish it was 64 bit but it is not.
Lol I wouldn't call it secretive. All we are at the moment are glorified beta testers I guess it's like bribing your way into a drug trial but instead of the risk towards our health we risk getting hit with a ban :O I'm sure developers would have much more knowledge on the restrictions if any the new Core Bot has on CR's etc.