You seems to misinterpreted the 200 EUR valued LegendaryBuddy as botting software or the announced but still not released LegionBuddy rotation bot for WoW. No, it is exactly a All-in-one Bossland GmbH product granting 2 licenses on ALL Bossland products for a year, plus more, as quoted from the first post here:
Personally i'd prefer to break the payments up into increments (hide it from the wife) but I did the math and when you account for how much $$ you would spend for "Gold" or "BoE" via alternative routes, its signicantly cheaper in the end. I suspect 80% of the issues folks have raised isn't the total cost itself but more the big "bite" it takes in the initial investment. It's a tricky one given i can see why they'd want the investment funding upfront but in the end its that mental leap and long-term commitment as an individual you need to reconcile (as you'll likely end paying the 200 anyway more or less).
Not true, Microsoft now owns Mono via Xamarin acquisition and .net framework is just a "framework" which is seperate from C#.. anywho both exist in osx/windows form and even more so as the entire strategy shifts to the .NET core story more. Essentially the Microsoft of old has turned over a dramatically new leaf going forward given the resurgence of web platform development.
The LegionBuddy is still in alpha phase and not for sale, plus we still have no idea what would be the price rates on it, when its released. If you purchase LegendaryBuddy for 200 EUR, you receive 2 sessions of each current and future BuddyBot+Tyrant for 1 year, so technically you would receive 2 sessions for LegionBuddy too, once its released.
200 EUR LOL... too funny good luck with that. I sure hope that the support for Honorbuddy will still be the same and Wont be lacking.. to move (Force) everyone to move to the rip off of legendary buddy. I only use Honorbuddy and don;t need to use all product.. you sold something lifetime stick to it. "let me guess ill get a temp ban again for giving my opinion?" I am not a troll i just think it is idiotic for you to try and rip off more money from us. thats my 2 cents.
i feel something like that...i was buying loong time ago the version you paid daily...then monthly...then life time on HB and DB...i have been wanting more boots like adena one or maybe for games like tree of savior...but pay 200 euros...its insane, i buy bots to have fun bc im a lazy cunt...not for the money.
I will most likely buy it...if it can go ban free for a year, but im in ^ position. If i did sell gold and make money and could buy account after account and maybe a profit. I wouldnt care about bans to much. Hoping for the best! p.s. talking about mass bans
is legendbuddy more safe? or will the CR's not work anymore on HB and only on Legendbuddy? what is the point of using Legendbuddy instead of the HB Rotations? can someone explain me pls? ty allready for the answers. why should i switch from HB to LB? is the Roation that LB is using any better or whats the different and why 200 euro? have you guys done some srs *****head stuff with the bot?
As I understand it LegionBuddy is a standalone botbase purely for combat routines. It's made in a way that it doesn't use any type of injection (which would explain a slight loss in performance and less chances for a ban). You use LegionBuddy over HonorBuddy if your sole purpose is just to run combat routines which I'm guessing a good % of the community does, and I predict it'll be a cheaper subscription. People throwing around that $200 number like its for LegionBuddy itself which is not true (I hope), it's referring to the LegendaryBuddy which give you access to all Bossland product, the public doesn't know how much LegionBuddy is going to be.
After buying many CR, i sure hope to F*K that it will still be updated and as good as it will be on legionbuddy.. OR a refund for the CR will be in high demand from the community... Just a nice way to make a bigger profit off the community..unreal.
thank you for the answer mate i just think i will stick on HB and hope they keep updating it also otherwise i would be a bit sad xdd @Grimzak
I would be sad too if I had to buy all my CRs again, but I do understand some authors have supported their CRs for years now, I'm sure many of us has gotten plenty of value from them. I do hope they offer some sort of discount for people who's already purchased the old CRs, otherwise I wouldn't mind personally it's a new expansion and it's even gotten devs like Tuanha active again. I'm sure LegionBuddy has gotten them hyped up, let's give them some incentives to keep that going
so im one of the jackass's who just purchased legendary buddy, how do i download legion buddy beta now
What really drives me insane is that for years, people have asked for "Honorbuddy Lite" or to get HB out of 32bit. The answer was always, we will not do this, we will not support it. Surprise, here it is! Except pay out the ass for it, and pay for CR! The HB update thread even says not to ask for "Honorbuddy Lite," LMAO.
Well, I just bought the new bot, I shall soon be legendary ... I have enjoyed lifetime keys for quite some time now, its time I pay back for all the good support I had. See you soon in the private forum!
There should be a hidden "Legendary Buddy" forum section, visible from your forum account now. Go there for the details.