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  • [Beta] QuestBot

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ExVault, May 4, 2016.

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    1. yfbd

      yfbd New Member

      Jun 16, 2016
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      What do "these lines" refer to, it was assumed the context was towards your


      Again, the second does do something, it's from you re-arr arranging the tasks so Quest Bot doesn't mess up on the return true or false. I just thought it was a funny band aid fix.


      Tony had Comm dev for a bit. I'm not trying to be anything, I've stated what I saw in the log, there's a reason why pushedx has asterisks on his file directory
      Path: C:\Users\<Username>\Desktop\P3\<ExeName>
      #discordiscancer nothnx.
    2. toNyx

      toNyx Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      Who cares about paths lel. Because pushedx made it like this doesn't mean it's a detection process. oh god... also, double check, I never had the tag, Because I actively refuse to support any kind of "advantage" from the buddyteam, I gladly use their programs but their decisions it's another thing. I'm at a user-level and I live with it.
    3. snier

      snier Member

      Dec 8, 2014
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      hey tonyx is it possible now to skip undesirable timewasting quests like dirtyjob or mercy mission from start if i already have quicksilver for example?
    4. PainfulDeath

      PainfulDeath Member

      Jul 12, 2012
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      Yeah, skipping quests should be an option.
      Any quest which is not necessary and doesn't give a skillpoint should be skippable.

      Also, need the bot to skip unique rakango in kaom's dream (ignore it and it's tails)

      Current versions works much better in act 3 and 4 than before, but there are some random stops of bot when it tries to take the quest reward after it have already done that (esp. often it happens in act3 after the busts quest)
    5. Erson

      Erson Member Legendary

      Jun 27, 2012
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      It happens usually after it finishes skill points quest or bandists
    6. uupiits

      uupiits Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Tought i was the only one with stoping after skill point quests, there`s hope for a fix now
    7. LajtStyle

      LajtStyle Community Developer

      Jan 5, 2015
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    8. ExVault

      ExVault Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Oct 23, 2013
      Likes Received:
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      PainfulDeath, Erson, uupiits
      Are you guys running bots on a vm?
      Do you use launch arguments? -gc 2?

      Thats some weird error. Bot treated town as combat area. Such errors happen once in a year, just restart a bot and everything should be fine.
    9. uupiits

      uupiits Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Not running in VM, same happens with --nosound or without
    10. Jukor

      Jukor New Member

      Oct 25, 2015
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      Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
    11. snier

      snier Member

      Dec 8, 2014
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      about 2 times of 3 bot somehow missing to speak with clarissa in city of sarn wich ending up with stuck in town when he not finding her there. When i was leveling my last char today it was occurred on cruel and merc, normal went fine tho.
    12. uupiits

      uupiits Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Sometimes that happen too
    13. Infinite Monkeys

      Infinite Monkeys Community Developer

      Jul 7, 2012
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      I'm getting this error on startup, I don't think it was happening yesterday but I might've just not noticed because I wasn't using questbot then.

      I tried deleting \3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\CHAR\QuestBot but it didn't help.
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
    14. Tormiasz

      Tormiasz Community Developer

      Jun 16, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      You propably have two zips/folder/zip+folder of questbot or you overwritten old QuestBot folder with new one.
    15. emdok

      emdok New Member

      Jul 23, 2016
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      Trophy Points:
      i have problem like:
      [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Piety Reward" in it.
      [ErrorManager] Error count: 10/10.
      [ErrorManager] Errors threshold has been reached. Now requesting bot to stop.
      [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
      [Tick] Exception #3 during execution:Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.Exception: MAX_ERRORS
      at EXtensions.ErrorManager.ReportError() in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ytuf\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\EXtensions\Content-44430644\ErrorManager.cs:line 36
      at QuestBot.QuestHandlers.A3_Q5_PietyPets.<TakeReward>d__5.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ytuf\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\QuestBot\Content-44436837\QuestHandlers\A3_Q5_PietyPets.cs:line 64
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
      at QuestBot.QuestTask.<Logic>d__2.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ytuf\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\QuestBot\Content-44436837\QuestTask.cs:line 18
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at Loki.Bot.TaskManager.;\]\]%f dx<2gvQ%Xl$8R(RPlY!.MoveNext()
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
      at QuestBot.QuestBot.<MainCoroutine>d__13.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ytuf\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\QuestBot\Content-44436837\QuestBot.cs:line 211
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.lH_%n5697Vq0'kLv${1#agA;'.x4\&NexNP_i:gVBouVhq/7F%4!.MoveNext()
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.‏‎*‪**‏*‎**​​**‫*‪‪‪‬‪**(Boolean )
      at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.‎*‫‎**​‎‬‪​‏***‎*‪**​**‪​​​‪‬*(Boolean )
      at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
      at QuestBot.QuestBot.Tick() in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ytuf\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\QuestBot\Content-44436837\QuestBot.cs:line 142
      at Loki.Bot.BotManager.‪‏‎​*‪*‪‫**‫‫‬‪*‎****‎‫*(IBot )

      happens with all skillbook qests.
      and bot stops ...
      Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
    16. yfbd

      yfbd New Member

      Jun 16, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      @infinite and @emdok, full logs? Wonder why you aren't getting any response?
      Infinite is a community dev too, shame!
    17. emdok

      emdok New Member

      Jul 23, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,175 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,176 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,177 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,178 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,180 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,191 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,209 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,318 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,319 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 265 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,605 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,606 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 1/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,726 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,727 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,756 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:20,870 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 284 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,176 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,192 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 259 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,454 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,497 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,499 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,500 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,501 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,502 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,525 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,544 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,648 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,649 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 290 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,956 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:21,957 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 2/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,062 [17] INFO Logger - [PostCombatHookTask] "GemLeveler" returned true.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,182 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,184 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,194 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,294 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 278 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,583 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,601 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 257 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,871 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,917 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,919 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,920 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,921 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,922 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,935 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:22,948 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,059 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,060 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 282 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,360 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,361 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 3/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,491 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,493 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,521 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,627 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 289 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,927 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:23,950 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 295 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,257 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,302 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,303 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,304 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,305 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,306 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,328 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,358 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,473 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,474 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 295 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,776 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,777 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 4/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,880 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,882 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:24,896 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,005 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 257 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,266 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,276 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 255 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,535 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,592 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,593 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,594 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,596 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,597 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,611 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,633 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,743 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:25,744 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 291 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,048 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,049 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 5/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,156 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,158 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,169 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,289 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 291 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,583 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,593 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 296 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,909 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,956 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,957 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,958 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,960 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,961 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,982 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:26,994 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,095 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,096 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 280 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,387 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,389 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 6/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,501 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,503 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,510 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,607 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 298 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,909 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:27,918 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 257 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,196 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,238 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,240 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,241 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,242 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,243 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,273 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,281 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,386 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,387 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 251 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,661 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,661 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 7/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,776 [17] INFO Logger - [PostCombatHookTask] "GemLeveler" returned true.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,885 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,887 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:28,898 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,012 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 288 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,304 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,314 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 295 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,640 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,697 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,699 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,700 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,701 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,703 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,732 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,768 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,880 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:29,881 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 267 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:30,167 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:30,169 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 8/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:30,272 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:30,274 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:30,305 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:30,418 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 260 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:30,700 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:30,733 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 259 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,010 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,047 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,048 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,050 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,051 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,052 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,075 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,094 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,201 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,202 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 268 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,481 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,482 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 9/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,594 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel]
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,595 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.DialogWindowDepth > 0. Closing it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,610 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:31,710 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 288 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,006 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OpenInventoryPanel] The InventoryUi is not opened. Now opening it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,032 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 277 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,316 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,356 [17] INFO Logger - [SellTask] No items to sell.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,358 [17] INFO Logger - [StashTask] No items to stash.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,361 [17] DEBUG Logger - [TakeReward] Now going to take "Any" from Tarkleigh.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,362 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] Now going to interact with "Tarkleigh".
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,366 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,398 [17] DEBUG Logger - [InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 20.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,427 [17] INFO Logger - [LatencyWait] Now sleeping 94 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,532 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Interact] "Tarkleigh" has been successfully interacted.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,533 [17] INFO Logger - [ReactionWait] Now sleeping 275 ms.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,813 [17] ERROR Logger - [OpenRewardPanel] Fail to find any dialog with "Dweller Reward" in it.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,814 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Error count: 10/10.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,815 [17] ERROR Logger - [ErrorManager] Errors threshold has been reached. Now requesting bot to stop.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,816 [17] INFO BotManager - [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,823 [17] ERROR BotManager - [Tick] Exception #1 during execution:
      Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.Exception: MAX_ERRORS
      at EXtensions.ErrorManager.ReportError() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\6456\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\EXtensions\Content-2166682\ErrorManager.cs:line 36
      at QuestBot.QuestHandlers.A1_Q5_DwellerOfTheDeep.<TakeReward>d__9.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\6456\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\QuestBot\Content-2172750\QuestHandlers\A1_Q5_DwellerOfTheDeep.cs:line 86
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
      at QuestBot.QuestTask.<Logic>d__2.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\6456\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\QuestBot\Content-2172750\QuestTask.cs:line 18
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at Loki.Bot.TaskManager.;\]\]%f dx<2gvQ%Xl$8R(RPlY!.MoveNext()
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
      at QuestBot.QuestBot.<MainCoroutine>d__13.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\6456\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\QuestBot\Content-2172750\QuestBot.cs:line 211
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.lH_%n5697Vq0'kLv${1#agA;'.x4\&NexNP_i:gVBouVhq/7F%4!.MoveNext()
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.?????????????????????????????????????????(Boolean )
      at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.?????????????????????????????????????????(Boolean )
      at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
      at QuestBot.QuestBot.Tick() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\6456\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default\QuestBot\Content-2172750\QuestBot.cs:line 142
      at Loki.Bot.BotManager.?????????????????????????????????????????(IBot )
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,828 [17] DEBUG Logger - [QuestBot] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,829 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CommonEvents] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,830 [17] DEBUG Logger - [AdvancedItemFilter] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,830 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Alcor75PlayerMover] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,831 [17] DEBUG Logger - [AutoFlask] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,832 [17] DEBUG Logger - [AutoLogin] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,832 [17] DEBUG Logger - [CommunityLib] Stopped
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,833 [17] DEBUG Logger - [DevTab] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,834 [17] DEBUG Logger - [EquipPlugin] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,834 [17] DEBUG Logger - [EXtensions] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,835 [17] DEBUG Logger - [GemLeveler] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,835 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Idler] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,836 [17] DEBUG Logger - [ObjectExplorer] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,837 [17] DEBUG Logger - [Stats] Stop
      2016-07-25 16:51:32,838 [17] DEBUG Logger - [OldRoutine] Stop

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
    18. yfbd

      yfbd New Member

      Jun 16, 2016
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      Delete "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\6456\3rdParty\_CONFIGS_\Default"
      It's depreciated because PostCombatHookTask.cs doesn't exist anymore.
    19. emdok

      emdok New Member

      Jul 23, 2016
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      just deleted it and it won't help ;/
    20. ExVault

      ExVault Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Oct 23, 2013
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      Trophy Points:
      Currently some users experience such errors. Game does not properly update certain quest states in memory for some reason. For now, when it happens, just re-login or re-launch the game and that should completely fix it.
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