I worked on some of the Guardian Druid routines. You have not provided a log, so how can I tell 1. What is your spec? 2. What is your level? 3. What are you specific settings to retry this? I have been using Guardian Druid and all seems fine to me. Maybe another option for you is to do a clean install. With that many files changing, probably not a terrible idea!
The log was two posts down, as a resto druid. Here is another one, as a feral, with out of range thrash at the start of most pulls. It also stuttersteps, but that's a lot less apparent in melee than as a healer. Not sure how guardian would be, since I never tank with DB.
I see a lot of this: Code: *Thrash on Auchenai Soulpriest.39FA @ 57.8% at 8.0 yds *Thrash on Auchenai Vindicator.39FA @ 34.2% at 4.3 yds I also see Code: [19:27:27.551 N] (Singular) <<Combat>> h=93.6%/e=100.0%/m=57.8%, shp=Cat, prwl=N, mov=Y, savg=0, tfury=0, brsrk=0, predswf=0, omen=0, pts=0, th=15.2%, dist=9.9,[B] inmelee=N[/B], face=Y, loss=Y, dead=10 secs, rake=0, rip=0, thrash=0, refsvg=N, refrip=Y [19:27:27.558 N] [Singular] *Thrash on Auchenai Soulpriest.39FA @ 15.2% at 7.9 yds Now what I'm seeing in singular is that Thrash is OK to use at 8yrds. I use the same thing on Guardian druid and I haven't noticed it using it at start, but then again I charge as well. Code: Spell.Cast("Thrash", on => Unit.UnfriendlyUnits([B]8[/B]).FirstOrDefault(u => u.GetAuraTimeLeft("Thrash").TotalSeconds < RakeAndThrashRefresh)), I don't have a level 65 to try this out on, but that's my guess is because of level.
TimeToDeath() is the estimated time it will take for the target to die. > 8 is saying "greater than 8", which the 8 being 8 seconds. So -> "Cast Execution Sentence if the current target will die in greater than 8 seconds." I've pushed a commit that should add buffs, and cast all the spells you listed. Thanks for the report!
Hi and thanks for the reply, Basically I'm having a problem when farming low level mobs. The bot always opens with Lunarstrike which takes ages to cast and it's just a waste of time when sunfire would kill them instantly. What I want it to do is cast/spam sunfire instead to speed up the killing process but I have no idea how to tell the bot to do so. Perhaps there is a way to tell honorbuddy to cast sunfire on low lvl mobs only? thx in advance
It's something that would have to be coded in and my guess is not something they are willing to do easily. Honestly, if you are farming low level mobs, it's probably faster as Feral or Guardian. Just a thought since they both have a charge of some sort and 2 aoe abilities they can spam.
edit your arms.cs file line 231 add below rend string new Decorator( new PrioritySelector( Spell.Cast("Rend", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Rend")), Spell.Cast("Colossus Smash"), Spell.Cast("Execute", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Colossus Smash") && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 20), Spell.Cast("Overpower"), Spell.Cast("Mortal Strike", ret => Spell.GetSpellCooldown("Colossus Smash") > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)), Spell.Cast("Slam"), new ActionAlwaysFail() )),
New Update has messed up something with Prot warriors. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...y-support/252109-honorbuddy-custom-class.html
yeah i reported it in the main thread, u should too! https://www.thebuddyforum.com/releases/252093-honorbuddy-v2-6-15748-838-a.html#post2242075
Hey, i'm trying to get singular to use March of the damned when i'm stunned. Here's what i did : but it seems to do nothing, am i missing something ? Arthur
Singular seems to be bugging for me when I selected the Lonely Winter talent as a Frost mage, the spec just doesn't work when leveling with this talent
Same here...frost mage with Lonely Winter talent - if you turn off pets in Singular class config then all seems to be good, other than it does not save the setting - next time you log in the pets setting is back on.
if your letting the bot level for you, i've found the best way is to let it select the talents it wants, that way its picking talents that specifically are working with singular and you wont run into issues like this.
DH Havoc seems very clunky atm, not doing the DPS i am supposed too at 690. And also it's using Infernal Strike on cooldown, and there is nowhere to tick it off as i use it for pulling and general mobility
Havoc doesn't have Infernal Strike. Infernal Strike is Vengeance which is the tank build, and its used to sustain better aggro since it can be cast off the GCD and does AoE damage. It keeps 1 charge up for pulling purposes.