I swore off botting and will never bot again on my main account, the last ban wave taught me my lesson. I am considering setting up an entirely different bnet acc and botting on that one. Has anyone ever survived a ban wave? Or is it at the point where Blizz really can always detect it and a ban is just a matter of time? Thank you
I've dodged the last 3 years of ban waves on 3 accounts. I believe it comes down to a few factors: 1. If there is a hard detection, don't be botting during it (I believe these are rare). 2. Minimize your amount of player reports. 3. Don't mess with other players or the economy. 4. Don't be obvious. If you take a few simple precautions, I think it's as safe as ever. Really, just keep to yourself, don't fuck up the economy, don't piss off other people, and you'll (probably) be just fine.
I keep my operations small, and don't farm gold that I don't need... Always supervise... bots do dumb things which can easily get you reported. haven't been banned once.
Luck of the draw. Hard detection is completely separate from player reports or other connections related to account behaviour. note: hard detection as in just looking if honorbuddy.exe is running and attached to your wow instance of that account..
You don't, which is why the responses in this thread are kinda silly. And a hard detection encompasses way more than looking for honorbuddy.exe running. The last two banwaves, the HB team admitted that tripwire wasn't even working and that blizz was able to track traffic hitting the tripwire...Keep in mind that tripwire is there to supposedly keep us safe, but has been the direct cause (according to the HB devs) of the last 2 banwaves.
I never do, I'm always prepared and - pretty much - I always get hit on banwaves... I do manage to avoid random bans with ease =P
That's because a hard detection generally occurs days - weeks before the banwave occurs. It makes no sense for blizz to ban directly after a detection event. It would give bot developers too much info on when exactly to look for oddities.
Not really lying though am I? It was the banwave in May 2015, I was botting on the day of the ban and also weeks and months before it happened I also know a few other people that didn't get banned