As usual, it'll be ready when it's ready, and no ETA would be given. I would guess the next update would be no different.
Update Unfortunately 'as usual' does not apply to me as I only became a user earlier today. If you could outline the 'usual' time to update that would be great.
There is no "usual" time as updates can me major or minor game changes. Judging from my previous experiences with Bossland it will probably be up tomorrow(it's 1:00 AM in Germany right now, guys have to sleep). But then again, it could take longer depending on the update and the circumstances. That's pretty much all anybody can tell you.
From my limited use earlier I can say its certainly worth a buy. But probably wait until it is updated yes.
My Hearthbuddy prompts me for an update but then hangs up during update. Can't download the most recent updates from the website manually (installer or ZIP) either.