[FONT="] About:[/FONT][FONT="] Multibox Suite is a RAF system to group and level multiple characters at the same time. Leader Settings Code: //***************************** do not edit above************************ private bool IsTank = true; //Is the leader a tank, should it try to make sure everything is targeting him/her? //***************************** Do not edit below************************ [FOLLOWER SETTINGS] To change the below settings, locate these in MBoxFollowerBot.cs under the Bots folder and edit. (CASE SENSITIVE) Code: private bool pettarget = true; // Use leaders pet's target when leader has no target private bool lootinside = true; // Loot when inside buildings private bool lootininstance = false; // Loot when in an instance private bool lootatall = true; // Loot at all private bool Skinning = true; // Enable skinning? private bool NinjaSkin = false; // Skin other peoples kills private bool AutoQuestItem = true; // Look for quest items on the ground, such as flowers and whatnot private int DistanceForQuestItem = 30; // How far to search for quest items private bool ManualLeader = false; // If true, target the person you want to be leader, then hit start private int distance_to_follow = 5; // How close to follow the leader, this is in feet private bool AutoTargetQG = true; //Auto Target RaF Leader's target is they have a quest you can pick up or turn in. (Will not turn in or pick upquest automatically) // ********************** Do not edit anything below this line ************** Note:[/FONT] [FONT="]When using follower do not use RAF - Combat Assist, Use Multibox Follower! When using Leader to not use Grind, use Multibox Leader![/FONT] [FONT="] Also when using Multibox Leader, disable looting on the follower and set Group Loot in WoW to Free For All for best results (Read settings above to find out how)![/FONT] [FONT="] To Do: -Add repair and selling of junk to both leader and follower -Add a GUI -Other things as I think of them Instructions: Code: If you were using my older system (Pre 3.0) Remove all multibox plugins from HB Extract both folders from the zip file to HB root folder [B][U]For Follower[/U][/B] [/FONT] Code: [FONT="] Once HB is started up, select Multibox Follower on the front page. Load a profile so HB does not get cranky, it dosn't matter what. Join a party. Hit Start [B][U]For Leader[/U] [/B]Once HB is started up, Select Multibox Leader on the main page instead of grind, Load a profile, hit Start Also if one of your party members is a tank type make them leader because the leader will come to the rescue of the other party members. [/FONT] [FONT="] Code: To use mounts with this system (Follower only at the moment), you must create a macro with the name "Mount" (case sensitive) in it put this line /cast "mount name here" Example: /cast Bronze Drake This is due to the fact that HB's mount system is kind of buggy imho, I can only get it to mount properly about half of the time when calling Mount.MountUp(); Tip: If you are flying, make sure both mounts are the same speed or you are using the slower mount, or else you will have to go back and let the bot catch up. *** MUST HAVE LIFE TIME MEMBERSHIP TO USE OR HB WILL JUST DISMOUNT YOU SAYING YOUR A BAD BOY WHEN USING FLYING MOUNTS*** [/FONT] [FONT="]Chang log: [/FONT][FONT="]-3.9.4 Rebuilt Multibox Leader to assist instead of full on play. Its purpose now is to just assist the leader in combat, it will not play for you. Also improved the quest item detection on the follower. -3.9.5 Update to follower to use the new RelativeLocation function introduced into HB, should help alot when on transports (if works as advertised) -3.9.6 Improved the follower auto-quest-interact thing to include repeatable quests, and also flight paths if the leader targets a flight master that has not been talked to before -3.9.7 Fixed a bug where if you had skinning disabled it would not follower the leader. -3.9.8 Fixed a bug where it would not loot at all if skinning is disabled. -3.9.8 [Mbox leader] Added a tanking option so if the leader is a tank, it will target anything attacking another party/raid member. It will be up to the CC to do the actual tanking bit, but at least it will target properly. [/FONT]
I tried during the last 2 days your older version. With that version I couldn't afk grind. Without corpe retrieval its useless on toons with low level, noob gear. Tried it on a raf with pala+ mage. didn't work out that well. Now I'm trying with 2 mages... Works only when I'm watching them... there are some bugs : When the follower is attacked the leader thinks way to much about helping him. also the follower attacks very slow (the leader casts 2 and a half spells ( frostbolt) and the followers is just starting to cast one . (everytime. meanwhile he is staring at the leader. )).( at lvl 25 with 5 feet follow) Without corpe retrieval its useless to let it run over night. 3 nights in a row one bot died and they just stood there waiting one for another . (while he is dead the follower thinks he is low hp/mana ). and the leader after moving to corpse is staying put and scanning for the follower. I saw them about 3 times, with about 100-200 yards apart , both scanning for the other one. Can you implement the spell "summon a friend"from raf? Maybe you make the toons to use it when one of them is alive and lost. ? This is a must : ""To Do: --Add Corpse retrieval ability to follower and leader"" That was all for now, Will post new things when I will notice some. If you need the log I will try and post it next time.
I am currently working on the above issues, hopefully will have an update tonight at some point, if not tomorrow.
Thank you for this nice plug-in. Looking forward for that update. will start a few more raf shortly...
ok, this may not be happening in the next day or 2, the more bugs I fix the more I find, most of which are cause by HB themselfs so I have to figure out how to override HB in so aspects. Sorry guys.
take your time. we can wait longer for a better product. thank you again for taking the time to code this plug-in
I have come to the conclusion that with all the code hijacking and editing that I need to do, its pointless going the route I am going. I pretty much have to rewrite the whole grind bot to allow for party leader cooperation and such. This may take me several days to several weeks, Im sorry about this, but trust me when its done it will be sooo worth it, please be patient.
major breakthrough, finally figured out how to process and run to hotspots, now I just need to write out the logic, which will just take time to perfect.
Small snag, having issues checking a profile's Avoidmob tags for which monsters to not attack, Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.
It's working really good to use instead of combat assist and RAF, which does not even work. You should add some roll options
maybe down the road, but the only problem with that is, while it may be easy to make it roll greed on every loot window, if you want it to roll need on certain things it then becomes a lot harder to program that logic, so for now I will leave it up to the user, as the saying goes, I have bigger fish to fry
Update: Right now my goal is to mimic the grind profile, once I got that down then I will be adding that logic that watches the party members. As of right now I got hotspots working, combat working for the most part (Dosn't pay attention to avoidmob tags, trying to figure out how to accomplish this). Things to do are: Add wondering code, Add looting code (easy) Add party code (Moderate)
I'm still patiently waiting on the addition of allowing us to choose a specific person to follow (so I can use it in BGs) ...cumbersome to use SetTheLeader, but it works for now =)