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Lionheart - Fury Warrior CC

Ok, I guess I didn't realize that it was useful for rage generation as well, I will change it to use Battle Shout more often in the next release.

When should Berserker Rage be used? Anytime it's off cooldown? Originally I had planned to save it and the other cooldowns for bosses, to get max DPS but since it's only on a 30 sec. cooldown I can use it more liberally. Let me know and I will adjust as well.

Thanks for the feedback guys.
Beserker rage is more or less good for 2 things, you generate rage faster when you get large hits, and it will give enrage buff which makes you able to use Raging Blow so you can make it like this.

If Battleshout is on cooldown and i'm in combat but not enraged use Berserker rage every time.
Also, I'm quite new. What do I do with "Profiles"? I just made a real fast simple one that has basically nothing in it so I can load one when it asks me to.

your in the incorrect thread for that make a new thread and read the Wiki pages, this is not for profiles.
your in the incorrect thread for that make a new thread and read the Wiki pages, this is not for profiles.

I'm aware. But what if I just want it to DPS, as this CC was intended for. What should I do with profiles if I just want it to dps. First page, last post. He even told us how to disable movements, assuming that means "just to dps"

I just don't understand what I need to do with profiles if I just want to DPS. Since we're in the same topic I thought I'd ask.
put it on Combat/Heal botbase on HB and load a empty profile move around and the bot will do the rest:) when it encounters combat.
I'm aware. But what if I just want it to DPS, as this CC was intended for. What should I do with profiles if I just want it to dps. First page, last post. He even told us how to disable movements, assuming that means "just to dps"

I just don't understand what I need to do with profiles if I just want to DPS. Since we're in the same topic I thought I'd ask.

Here is a blank profile you can use to run the CC. I also attached it to the first post.

View attachment blank.xml
I've made the requested changes, but have not had time to test. Please test v0.4 and let me know if it's working properly.

ADDED: Caster detection and Pummel support
CHANGED: Battle Shout will now be applied any time it's off cooldown
CHANGED: Berserker Rage will now be applied any time it's off cooldown
Any way for it to not follow "tank" in a group when not in combat? Have experienced it setting the tank who where actually a hunter, and made me stand 35 yards away from boss, struggling to get to him.. :P Dont know if it HB that control this movement or CC..

None the less love the CC.
Any way for it to not follow "tank" in a group when not in combat? Have experienced it setting the tank who where actually a hunter, and made me stand 35 yards away from boss, struggling to get to him.. :P Dont know if it HB that control this movement or CC..

None the less love the CC.

That's a setting in the Combat Bot, not the CC. You can comment out the movement code though, check post #10 above.

Post #10
I'm only going to post my edits, but if Apoc asks me to remove them I will.

Open CombatBot.cs in your Honorbuddy/Bots folder;

Find CreateFollowBehavior()
and add // in front of it

Find #region Follow Behavior
and add /* in front of it

Find the second to last #endregion
and add */ after it

That will disable all movement being handled by the Combat/Heal Bot.

Hey man, i tried doing those changes and removes combat/heal bot from the drop down list.

I checked and its the // in front of the createfollowbehaviour that causes the issue. Could you shed some light on what im possibly doing wrong?
Its the "," on the above line at the end that needs to be removed, and its workings.

CreateCombatBehavior() and not CreateCombatBehavior(),
Its the "," on the above line at the end that needs to be removed, and its workings.

CreateCombatBehavior() and not CreateCombatBehavior(),

Yes, the CreateCombatBehavior() method that needs to be commented out is on line 39 - not the actual call to the method later on in the code.

I've updated Post #10 to indicate which lines should be commented out. Let me talk to Nesox and see if he will allow me to post a version of the CombatBot with the movement commented out. I'm sure he probably doesn't want me raping his code but I will find out.

EDITED: Nesox wrote the CombatBot, not Apoc. I got them confused for some reason.
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Nesox has given me his blessing to post the edited version of CombatBot with the follow code commented out. It is attached to the first post. Thanks Nesox!

For those testing, please let me know how v0.4 is working so far.

I'm thinking about adding Victory Rush for the self heal. Thoughts?
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I ended up using the reg combat/heal bot last night prior to you lads replying and well... fragging hell... pulling 9.6k dps on dummies in 346 gear and some epics if ridiculous. due to latency issues where i live in Australia (northern territory) the bot actually manages my rrotations better as it preempts pretty much what my rotation woul d be with my delayed input :) tyvm. i have actualyl set aside a folder specifcially for this cc and the custom combat/heal bot , thats how good i think it is.

Regarding victory rush rush and self heals, i think it would be handy in heroics but wasted in 10 and 25 mans. I have actually noticed my bot not using victory rush all the time, i have a feeling its again due to lagged input though.
The self healing i dont see a need for in this CC. Working flawless as it is. And i feel personal that I can handle to blow my trinkets on boss fights and pop Lifeblood if needed on myself.

I LOVE YOU DUDE! This is exactly what I've been looking for. I love to play the game, but I like to watch the game play itself while I tell it where to go even more. !!! Awesome profile, +rep once I figure out how to give it. I would also be very interested in learning how to make cc's like this, so I can make them just like this for my other toons as well. Thanks again for an awesome CC.
I have actually noticed my bot not using victory rush all the time, i have a feeling its again due to lagged input though.

Right now, it won't use Victory Rush at all because it's not programmed in the CC. Glad everything else is working for you! Makes me happy to see you've increased your DPS.

The self healing i dont see a need for in this CC. Working flawless as it is. And i feel personal that I can handle to blow my trinkets on boss fights and pop Lifeblood if needed on myself.

It should already be using Lifeblood at 50% HP. I snuck that in one of the prior releases, so let me know if it's not working.

I guess my real question is: Would adding Victory Rush be a decrease in overall DPS? If not, I don't see a reason not to add it for the self heal.

I LOVE YOU DUDE! This is exactly what I've been looking for. I love to play the game, but I like to watch the game play itself while I tell it where to go even more. !!! Awesome profile, +rep once I figure out how to give it. I would also be very interested in learning how to make cc's like this, so I can make them just like this for my other toons as well. Thanks again for an awesome CC.

Glad you like it! If you want to give +rep, you can click on the star under my first post (next to "Blog this Post" on the bottom left). Once I get this one configured and working the way I want it, I was actually planning on expanding to other DPS classes since I have an army of alts myself.

Coding these is not hard if you have some background in programming, but learning the API and functions of HB can be a bit of a struggle. Feel free to ask questions in IRC or in the Developer forum, most people are willing to help out.
btw does this CC work with AB or not, since it has no movement? then if not, is there a way to copy paste movement logic from a other warrior CC to this CC in order to make it move around? if so then where:)?