Hello, I have been trying to set up enable flight plugin but i cant seem to get it to work. i copied the files from https://github.com/MGramolini/ExBuddy to my plugins folder but that didnt work. i also tried copying the enable flight plugin specifically into the plugins folder but that didnt work either. i have other plugins that i downloaded on my plugins tab in rebornbuddy but i cant seem to get enable flight on there. could someone help me out please. Thanks !
It seems like most everyone is on the discord server nowadays for questions like this. In general, you should only need to copy the ExBuddy file to /Plugins/ and then turn on EnableFlight. Do not copy any other code from ExBuddy anywhere else.
I would love to know if anyone knows how to change Exbuddy so he only uses the flying mount roulete or a specific mount instead of the mount roulete which can fuck it up quite nice.
I copied the plugin to the plugins folder, it loaded successfully, and I enabled flight on the Plugins tab. Yet FateBot doesn't fly. Any suggestions?