There are only questing profiles up to 77 (because of flying mount) but can someone make one 77-80 questing profile. Then you can start in Storm Peaks and do the most "Do able" quests and then stop and we need to manually go to Icecrown. I know some of the quests here is same for horde as it is for alliance. soz for bad english.
Its been tried, and until flying is implemented in HB, you're better off just grinding out those last levels. I recommend the snowdrift in northern Storm Peaks for 77-80.
I thought you were joking, but I tried it anyway. Wow! This does work very well. I'm getting 535k+ exp just training archbuddy.
my stormpeaks does 78+ (because of sholazar, etc) and does the whole K3 + Hodir chain ... and then it goes to Frosthold (alliance). If you want Horde... the quests may be the same at the beginning, I don't know. I'm still working on SP because it's going to open up a *lot* of quests and I have to manage the flying part of it which is a PITA because there are no quests that are like "hey, go see XX and YY place, oh... here's a free flight over there" =( and it's not exactly easy to just "bust out a questing profile"... these things don't make themselves either. The flying ones are hard because most of the time you have to use FlyTo and override nav so you can't just go and pickup / turnin a quest and go afk as a writer... you have to get the coords, and then make sure HB doesn't bug out so the writer ends up doing some quests and a lot of nav a few times to verify it's good
If you're asking about starting Archbuddy at level1 at level 74, the answer is yes. I started grinding archeology from level 1 with archbuddy on my level 74 toon. Mucho xp. The best thing is that you can level it you can level it where there are mobs 20+ levels lower. I got to 83, then decided to level mining and herb. I'm getting 150-300k xp just farming nodes and herbs.