Check to see what botbase you use: Enyo, Hazznyo or DungeonBuddy? Check the settings for movement enabled/disabled. This can hinder Portal. I run DungeonBuddy without movement enabled; I let Portal do it all and I can manually move out of ship (intended typo ).
Hi, ive had portal though whole wod, but i never felt the mage power, is there some kind of uber settings to help this routine run very good ? i feel it's not doing much at all :/
Currently, it casts meteor on friendly and npc targets. Not 100% on the friendly player, but it definitely casts it on the NPC targets... everytime i select NPC vendor for something... he gets meteored, lol
That's odd. You got a log? What bot base is that with? The bot base shouldn't even be calling the CR if you're targeting a friendly unit - but post a log and I'll check it out.
Hi Millz This CR will be continuously updated in Legion? Honorbuddy/Legionbuddy? I don't want to pay 2 times. Regards
It's a separate product (and separate purchase) to what will be available with Legionbuddy - both will be updated though.
A new public build has been pushed to the store, and is currently awaiting approval from the Bossland GmbH staff. This can take up to 3 business days. [10/Aug/2016 - Alpha] - Rotation should no longer crash when saving settings. Note: Hotkey settings have been reset to aaccommodatethis change. - Ice Barrier will now work in Fire and Arcane specs. Settings moved from Frost to Class Abilities tab. - [Frost] Fixed an issue with Blizzard casting when AoE disabled.
I am kind of curious about the fire aoe rotation. Right now it seems that the cc will start hard casting Flamestrike on x amount of mobs if aoe is enabled. I don't think that the cc should ever hard cast a Flamestrike but should use the heating up procs to cast an instant Flamestrike. Best regards Majicks
did some further testing on this Millz... turns out it's the "force combat" setting in Enyo. Happens with all of my CRs.
any good config for a mage frost / fire 720+ 4P? seems kinda lost with all the new talents... and rotations
Hello millz first time i'm having trouble with your routine, when i active it with enyo my fps dropts to 3 or less its unplayable.
Settings are shared through the Settings Manager in the GUI. Check Icy Veins for talent suggestions. There's an HB issue in the new scenario zones due to meshes (broken shore, ulduar etc). Should work everywhere else. If not I'll need a log file.
A new public build has been pushed to the store, and is currently awaiting approval from the Bossland GmbH staff. This can take up to 3 business days. [26/Aug/2016 - Alpha] - [Frost] Added hotkey Blizzard mouseover. - [Fire] Fixed Flamestrike to only cast on Hot Streak. - [Fire] Flamestrike is now cast with Flame Patch talent, or 10+ units in range. - [Fire] Tuning to Cinderstorm usage. - [Fire] Flame On is now held if Combustion will be available within the next 10s. - [Fire] Switched some rotation priorities around. - Overlay X/Y/Height/Width is now saved while bot is running. - Fixed an issue with toggling hotkeys crashing the bot if overlay is disabled. - Reduced range of Frost Nova to prevent being wasted. - Frost Nova now checks it's not casting on flying units.
A new public build has been pushed to the store, and is currently awaiting approval from the Bossland GmbH staff. This can take up to 3 business days. [31/Aug/2016 - Alpha] - Updated to HB3 API.