Echo's taking over. I heard he's also doing some of the Mesh stuff too. I think Bobby went MIA over a year ago.
lol they are functioning, which is what matters. Upload a log and specify what isn't working to your standards, with explanations if able... the dev that controls Singular won't even take your post seriously otherwise, and honestly you'd deserve it.
I'll have to check this - the code for these shouldn't be running at all if it's set to false. Did you disable both "Pull" and "DPS" settings for Fel Rush?
I'll be working on improving them tonight. Development of Singular has been going a bit slow due to the massive amounts of issues Blizzard has caused in the questing pack.
lol wish we had an active guy like yourself over on the dungeonbuddy side . Feelin neglected <3. Thx for all the hard work.
For older content it would be golden if it was possible to set a "Pull-spell". Now it uses Lunar strike (longest cast time ever ;-) ) on mobs with 8k hp while I simple moonfire would have killed them too.. It adds up to a lot of slow game play + it looks pretty dumb / bottish...
I'll look into it. If there's insta-cast spells, cast-time spells shouldn't be used in the Pull behavior anyways.
Yea, that's what I'm saying - it needs to be swapped out. Lol. Checking this is actually next on my list.
I've noticed it mainly in Balance spec. Makes Maloriak hard to kill because it will try to root the adds that show up instead of dpsing anything. And I saw this from someone else and I agree. It's great having an active dev here in the forums working on non-paid aspects of the boss. I know there are some others as well, but while I'm here might as well thank you EchoTiger.
Just a quick question. I using singular to level my shaman in dungeons at the moment. I notice on single target mobs it continues to use chain lighting as the attack rather than lightning bolt. not sure if thats normal or what but wanted to make sure.
I noticed this yesterday and already fixed it. :3 Show | Singular v3 Project | Assembla Thanks for the heads up!