[SIZE=+1]The HB update from Wednesday introduced a new issue in the Honorbuddy Core. The bot can not read the level of garrison buildings anymore. This currently breaks the WoD daily profiles for the Menagerie and Erris/Kura. I have informed Bossland staff about the issue and hope they fix this quickly. I apologize for the inconvenience.[/SIZE]
For what it's worth... I did a fresh HB install (and consequently, a fresh install of Studio60) and i had a LOT of profiles go blue that weren't previously blue. In other words, it's properly detecting a whole lot more pets now between profile/tactic. So if you get anymore of these "assignment" reports, that's where I would tell them to start... fresh install....
Bossland has fixed the Honorbuddy offsets for the garrison api serverside so the bot should detect the menagerie level correctly again which will in turn enabled more profiles.
Is there a setting to turn on menagerie? Mine just flies off (and does all the quests but the menagerie), and can't find where the setting is. Bossland did fix it right? Thanks
The Menagerie is in the normal rotation of profiles. It may be that the bot does it in the end. What you can do is adding all menagerie dailys and the quests you want the bot to do to a Studio Planner Run and then run that one. It gives you better control over the selection of quests.
Can you tell me which error message is being displayed in the bottom right when you select the greyed out profiles?
Does not do it automatically, I have to run it individually. not a big deal just thought it was weird.
The error says I'm missing pets to complete the profile and to go check tactics to see what I'm missing. Tactics show that I have the correct pets.
I will check it out this morning. It will be a Studio Companion issue and fixing that project is my primary goal for today.
Hey I'd like to ask a question, sorry if it has been asked already. maybe users can chime in. which one of your (numerous) profiles can level pets 1-25 most painlessly? that's really all I want. The WoD trainers / dailies / legendaries have been nerfed to hell and the pet charms they give are pretty useless anyways. Same idea honestly for MoP. So is there a way to just level pets nonstop, ie with 2 booster pets and it adds lvl 1 pets and just keeps going nonstop - not tied to daily trainers or garrison or anything else you can only do once a day. basically, which one of your packages is best for that? I have a bazillion lvl one pets and I just want to click go and come back to all of them lvl 25, even if it's slow. the otherwise buggy and crappy (and now discontinued) "Pet Battle Royale" could do that very well, and for free to boot. but I'm willing to pay $10 or whatever.
Pet charms are not useless by a long shot. They are still the pet currency for Legion. You will be able to buy a lot with it come August 30th. What you want to do is "Boosted Leveling". Taking a bunch of low level pets, pair them with 2 pets on 25 and level them quickly. I think if you combined Pet Battle Studio: Classic with Pet Battle Studio: Warlords of Draenor it should do the trick. The bot would get your level pets to 5 in Azeroth and from 5 to 25 in Draenor.
Yes. It will be fixed in the next update of Studio Companion hopefully to be submitted tomorrow. Some of the menagerie quests have two NPCs attached to them, the actual NPC and the Challenge Pole that characters need to interact with. The bot however did a wrong match between those two when looking for tactics.
Does this happen even when you restart HB? If so please try a clean installation (Guide: How to perform a clean Installation) and report back if it still happens.