Nothin that i have heard of at least. I was under the impression that the bans are for the people selling gil etc.
I think that was their primary target, but it said RMT/ilegal activity. Have no ide realy. Just wondering
Well i buy gil occasionally when i need to buy something expensive off the MB, and i have even payed for power leveling. No bans here. Been botting since the beta or RB. It all comes down to how smart you are at botting and how many reports you get from other players.
That's nothing new, WinterWonder. That happens weekly. It's effectively just RMT bans, with teleport hackers sprinkled in there. Most bans are probably RMT advertisers/spammers.
Thanks, god to know. Fearly new to this bot / game. Got sick of loosing account after account with HB. Have to say I'm starting too like it. Havent playd FFA sines the first one on PlayStation (or Nintendo)