Why would you use the deathgate ?? The instance is small and it takes way less than 60sec to go back to the entrance. And as DevAnse pointed out using deathgate means more "report exposition" so im not really sure what you would get from using this in my profile..
Hi arthur118218, Firstly thanks for the profile. I've been using the light profile (Everbloom V3.0 light.xml) and have noticed on occasion my character gets stuck in the vines from the knock back. (same spot every time) I thought it was a random thing, but it will happen at least once an hour for me. Once stuck the character try's to run up the wall instead of running out the way he was knocked in. Inside the instances, Cords 73,29. Picture I'll run it again tonight and upload the log file for tonight's session. EDIT: Deaths - I haven't died before it gets stuck.
Thanks for the report. I've added a blackspot here, hopefully this will solve the problem, doing some testing.
gonna test it now with graphic Level 3 for 2 hours with 3 chars, any idea about the Rendering scale? I set it to 50% hope it doesnt affect the drop rate the vendor issue can be resolved easily if you delete the Mount vendors and replace it with another vendor in gorgrond
Code: <Vendors> <Vendor Name="Budgy" Entry="84234" Type="Repair" X="6610.504" Y="1286.526" Z="64.83952" /> </Vendors> works fine for me. Because I dont have WoD flying I had to delete nav=fly and it works fine 1700-1800 gph with repairs at graphic level 3, works fine now. Gonna test it later with enchants. 715-720 is possible with the event but it takes a lot of time until you have all the armor stuff at 720.
Santa came early ! V3.1 is out check it in the first post. Dont forget to disable pull more in Singular if you're using it, can cause some stupid waste of time. If you're enjoying this profile, realise it took me alot of work to write. A thank you is highly appreciated, a donation even more <3 Arthur
hey, i dont know how you get 2791/hr with the light profile. my dk has 709 gear - 4,9k strength, 9,6k stamina, 24% crit, 35% haste, 39% mastery - stone of elements 6 of 6 .. and i get about 400-550/h .. got the vendor mount too .. O.O can someone post his g/h values?
Grrr please read everything carefully And it's 2172/hr with the light profile, your number is for the hardcore one. Arthur