yeah im on 5 - and sorry - i mean 2.1k for the light, what it 4 times more edit: dont get me wrong - i like your profile - its running without problems, i will even donate you a bit for this good work. just want to find the error (on my side?)
I have another question, is it posibble to add so it uses the death gate instead of go out of the entrence to reset? like the Firelands profile
Hum I have no idea man sorry. I have done many tests and gph is around 2k, only problems seems to be with graphics < 3.
Ok i changed a few things - now the Gold/h is kicking! (My Gold/h after 10 Min was ALWAYS under 500g) My WoW was on DX 11 // Changed to DX 9 My Graphics Quality was on 5 // Turned down to exactly 3 Changed max Foreground and Background to 8 FPS I will report/edit this post after 3h Runtime again.
also arthur, running into issue where all the money is deposited, and he wont vendor until bags are full, so what happens if you get gear red you end up with no money to repair and just runs in and dies over and over again.
When do the guild bank versions actually bank the gold? I've farmed over 5k over 2-3 hours or whatever, and it hasn't banked a single time yet?
Woops I haven't though about that 3.1.1 Will now only deposit money after selling to vendor and will keep 500g for future repairs.
In 3.1 it was at the beginning of every run if you had more than 1000 gold. Now it's every time you go see the vendor and if you have more than 2000gold.
Its Statter! from EchoTiger (
Don't forget the profile will only empty bags when there are less than 17 BagSlots remaining. It saves a lot of time for toons without vendor mount. So if you let the bot running for 1hour and your bags were empty, you will have a 0 gph estimate. Wait for the bot to do a sell run to see your gph estimations Also it seems there is a bug with difficulty. If you're getting very few loots, try setting the difficulty to heroic manualy log off , log back in and start the bot. Arthur
There is a bug at <If Condition="SpellManager.CanCast(83958) && Me.Gold > 2000" > Maybe should add "<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="SpellManager.Cast(83958);" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3500" /> "