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  • managed to get my main and botting account banned.... READ THIS

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by andy2010, Aug 25, 2016.

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    1. andy2010

      andy2010 New Member

      Jul 27, 2016
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      So ever since wow patch 7.0.3 my cpu hasnt been performing as it used to for my normal wow pvping. so i contacted blizzard asking why they asked me to send them a file. It was a file saying my operating system drivers etc i thought nothing of it.... he basically fed me a bunch of useless BS i could have found with my dick on google, then he says " ohh and i see a program here called "honnor buddy" " and i was all like wtf how the fuck did he find that.... i was just kinda like uhhh idk what that is i share a computer with my roommate (roommate=botting account) i then didnt know wtf to do a blizz gm just told me HB was installed on my comp so i kept playing dumb and said "i just googled what that is ill delete it right away..." i thought maybe he would let it go. 3 days later i was in game on my main account when boom banned in game. Tell 2017/02 lololololol. main account and botting account banned for 6 months.....

      My friend asked me how do i know i got banned from that not just someone reporting me in game or something. well because ive never been caught botting before. When i did i never botted more than 8 hours and that was on my botting account. the only time i botted my main was for mounts. I wasnt botting on my main at that time so 99.9% sure thats how they got me from that stupuid goddam file. I was pushing 800k gold and just got the vitreous stone drake and now im sitting on the couch with my dick in my hand playing pokemon go. IF BLIZZARD ASKS U FOR A FILE FROM YOUR COMPUTER DONT SEND IT CAUSE APPARENTLY THEY CAN SEE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE INSTALLED WHICH IS A VIOLATION OF PRIVACY AND IF I WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT THERES NO WAY I WOULD HAVE SENT IT EVEN WITHOUT HB.

      To top it off also i just spent 50$ USD to buy legion few days prior........... :mad::mad::mad::(:(:(:(:(

      Well see you guys in 6 months..... :(:(:(

      ps sorry if posted in wrong thread.

      i wont be using the rest of my HB subscription so idk if you guys can do something for me there. Would be appreciated. ty.
    2. andy2010

      andy2010 New Member

      Jul 27, 2016
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      says my join date is recent but ive been using HB since 2014
    3. wallyworld

      wallyworld Banned

      Jul 22, 2016
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      So you willingly sent Blizz a file, not knowing what said file was, and then you claim that Blizz violated your privacy...Really? You don't actually believe that, do you?

      And you most likely were banned due to a player report, not due to your error (and it was your error and you have noone to blame but yourself). There's no reason for them to wait 3 days to ban you in this situation, and there's no reason for them to even call you out on it.

      If you just bought Legion, request a refund. Be polite and respectful. Call them to request the refund.

      There's also a forum specifically for banned reports, too.
    4. andy2010

      andy2010 New Member

      Jul 27, 2016
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      dude i looked at the file if you can read... it said operating system drivers and graphics cards not what programs i had installed onto my comp lol i dont need u to blast me about how its my fault lol i know it is
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
    5. andy2010

      andy2010 New Member

      Jul 27, 2016
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      how can i call them without an account???? i emailed them back no response cause im banned
    6. Wolfman1190

      Wolfman1190 Member

      Jul 21, 2012
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      If you email them they wont give you the time of day, because your account is suspended, to get a refund you need to actually use your phone pick it up, dial the numbers and call them, if that doesn't work call your bank or paypal, or whoever you used to purchase legion and tell them you no longer have access to the product you purchased and want your money back.
    7. Raaz

      Raaz Member

      Mar 3, 2013
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      For future reference the DirectX file shows HB on it. If you use the find function it would show HB in there.
    8. wallyworld

      wallyworld Banned

      Jul 22, 2016
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      I can read just fine. Maybe it's you that can't read since you didn't actually bother to, you know, read what was in the file.

      And you still have your account...I don't get what you're going on about as far as not being able to call them. If you can send them an email, you can call them just as easy. Support is handled through battle.net, too. You can log into your battle.net account and contact them that way if you need the number.
    9. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you know our forum rules and guidelines in that case

      use the proper section

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