Arthur, please release new version for 680-700 ilvl. iam try this profile with my guardian dru, but iam die
I don't think it would be efficient to run this dungeon with lower than 700 ilvl. You can get a lot of item lvls from invasion.
Full invasion gets you around 710 ilvl, so the best would be to max the efficency for a 710ilvl blood dk. Would be very interested in this.
Didnt change anything, since yesterday its just sitting outside the dungeon and afk/idle. Anyone with the same issue ?
I've had similar issues with different profiles, seems to be HB error. Usually works with restarting HB or reinstall HB.
Should do, but you will expect a few deaths. If I were you, I would do some invasions until my gear is 710+
705 Blood DK here. I die a lot from getting knocked back into mobs while also using a Greater Draenic Strength Flask and using the talents you recommended a couple of forum pages back. What gives?
Made a fresh install, still stuck after 1 run, last Log msg is RunLua: ResetInstance(); gues theres a problem with that method.
It worked for me yesterday, but I will take a look. BTW is your character on a flying mount in mid-air when it tells you that?
Did anybody get a reduced GPH? I'm only making 400 GPH on a 720 Blood DK. I tried both this profile and Arthur's version
No, I checked Honorbuddy info for GPH and also watched the gold sell myself since I have dual monitors. The income was very very bad.
I saw some people talking about graphic quality 4 or more is a must and that when it was on 1 their GPH was bad. I don't understand why that would matter at all, but you could try.
You are not alone, but it seems like only some people have this problem, will try to fix this before my next version.