Hi. I used the bot today and I've got a problem with the everbloom v1.6 and at half the run my character couldn't move anymore because we wants to drop the monster's items but the monster has none. Here is the code i got on the bot : [Singular] *Shear on Abomination distordue.88A8 @ 38.2% at 0.8 yds [Singular] *Shear on Abomination distordue.88A8 @ 26.5% at 0.8 yds [Singular] *Shear on Abomination distordue.88A8 @ 13.8% at 0.8 yds [Singular] *Shear on Abomination distordue.88A8 @ 3.6% at 0.8 yds [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Pétaleffroi.88A8! [Singular] /startattack on Pétaleffroi.88A8 @ 28.9% at 0.0 yds [Singular] *Immolation Aura on Me @ 91.5% Looting Pétaleffroi Thanks is advance for your help!
Where in the dungeon did you get stuck? what profile did you use? If you press "info" instead of "log" in HB you can see which line of code the bot is currently executing, if you can tell me which line it would be much easier to identify the problem.
Goal: Moving to <7117.57, 197.1, 145.211> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 181] if he are dismonted they dont move, but if u click on manual mount he move to inside dungeon.
No, its hapen on start , and left on mid, he dont use mount to go next spot and stay on same place. But if u click to any mount all time he go perfect.
There is no direct replacement. However, you can use Navigator.LookupPathInfo for path distances to objects. <If Condition="Me.ZoneId != 7109"> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="ResetInstances();" /> <If Condition="Me.Location.Distance(new WoWPoint(-7117.57, 197.1, 145.211)) > 20" > <RunTo X="7117.57" Y="197.1" Z="145.211" /> </If> <CustomBehavior File="GoThruPortal" X="7100.673" Y="194.2674" Z="143.7517" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" TerminateWhen="Me.IsInInstance" />
Objectif: KillUntilComplete-KillUn: In Progress (no associated quest) [Ref: "[Fandig2] Everbloom Farm" @line 269] http://hpics.li/8db16d6 I'm a DH tank .
Are you stuck there? The bot should kill the big dudes and the long one that stuns. When the guy that uses stuns dies the line is complete. Have this happened once or several times? Is this normal profile or LITE?
And thank you for the feedback. Hard to fix minor issues when I myself don't bot so much, I like lvling in legion
Yes I'm stuck there, he didn't kill that kind of monster. The bug appears everytime in the 2 versions
Hmm.. a different class shouldn't be any problem with that line of code. Do you use another cc than the singular?