same as above - but before I came on and tried all of the profiles and it just kept running in a straight line into a wall, no matter where I was.
Grab the profiles from the SVN link in the first post - it's even more recent than what was in the store and is working well. Fixed my blonde moment.
i keep running into these 1 compiler errors encountered in profile '[N-Quest] Paladin Class Hall Loader [Echo]' 'If' xml element on line number 280 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__36() { return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.HasAura(213170))(); } 1) Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected at line 4 its not even the profile i have loaded
hey guys, This profile back has been running wonderful until now. all my profile's dissappeared from the buddy store, any 1 any clue how to fix this? greetings.
Legion questing zones only get you to 108. You're forced to do Class Hall stuff to get to 110 - which I haven't been able to add to all 12class halls yet.
It's a bonus objective. From what I've noticed - there's a bug on Blizzard's end that's preventing these quests from showing as "completed." I'm currently investigating a solution for this.
The artifact quest chains won't work for a while - especially this one you're picking because it's an aboslute mess to code on a profile. For now you'll need to do it manually.
Not a profile error. Try a fresh install of the bot, if that doesn't work - report it to the support thread.
There's some Druid-only quests in Val'sharah that hasn't been coded yet. I'll be working on these very soon.
The Mesh fixes weren't carried over to HB3 from HB2 - which is what caused this error. It should fixed now.
There is actually avoid logic in the profile for these guys. However, avoidance currently does not work in HB3 - it's still being worked on.
This has been noted as a reoccurring issue with HB3. I'll mark this down and have it fixed asap. Thanks for the report.