Blood DK 106 750iLvl. 1.6.5: Worked great until it needed to sell. On the way back from selling it starts attacking random mobs outside instance and just stares at them. Around 2k G/hr. Legion Normal 1.1: He killed the boss and I'm now saved.
1.6.5 should wait outside portal while in combat then go in. I will update normal mode, I never aggroed the boss when I tried, are you not lvl 110?
All hooks and everything inside them. Just Ctr + f search for "hook" and delete everything inside hook behaviors
by the way. what was good and stable version for HB 2? I did try 1.5 Lite - but no success. its a HB 2.6 for latest wow client. its working good on my DK 100 lvl farmer for another profile. so I think might use it for my 710ilvl DK in everbloom
Dk class hall ebon hold? that's strange, log says you are trying to enter dungeon portal. Did the loading screen fail when you used death gate?
Updated the legion normal version so you won't aggro boss, (for the people who used this profile without being lvl 110)
im running the heroic/hardcore version with lvl 107-109 toons - can you change it there too? (killed 2 bosses per toon) .. ty .. else i will change it when im back at home
I changed it earlier today, do you have the old version or is it still not enough? Check on heroic if there is a RunTo on line 109.
<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\Avoid" AvoidName="Noxious Eruption" Command="Add" ObjectId="84767" Radius="8" AvoidWhen="Me.IsAlive && Unit(84767).CastingSpellId == 169445 && Unit(84767).CurrentCastTimeLeft < TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500)" /> line 177 I don't really know if it works anymore since hb3. I kill them too fast.