Hi! While trying to log in - the application turns off. I’ve checked the software on my PC and laptop and in the logs the same information like on att. The problem persist in both DX9 and DX11 mode, with anti-virus software (NOD32) turned on/off (checked with both). My drivers are up to date. I would appreciate your assistance.
any of the programs listed here BosslandGmbH:HelpDeskrograms that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki installed?
Thank you for the answer. There was too much work to check all the software in the link:BosslandGmbH:HelpDeskrograms that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki Instead I reinstaled my OS + all needed net frame, etc. The error still persisted. The problem turns out was trivial: WOW was being run in 64bit mode. After changing that everything works just fine.