View attachment 11804 2016-09-07 20.51.txt Here is the log, i failed to attach it last time. Nothing happens he just stands there
There's errors in your install which seem to be caused by the Studio60 quest behaviors. Try with a fresh install of the bot, and don't use any third-party additions.
Great profile and thank you! Made my week! So, dumb question, how can you tell that you're using the most updated version of the profile? I have it set via the store, does it auto update? or do I need to do something manually each update?
The store automatically synchronizes to the SVN repo every 2hours. So every two hours the store is updated to the latest version. However, the updates aren't applied until you restart your bot since the store is cached on startup.
Can anyone give me some advice on how to properly get a character going with the legion questing. I have yet to be able to use the 1-110 profiles for legion. I started questing in certain areas and loaded the profile for that but nothing happened. I've used the auto loader also with nothing happening. If anything does happen it just flies off in the wrong direction doing nothing. How do I simply get my bot from 100 to 110 without having to do all this stuff by hand?
You should be able to just load the AutoLoaderV2 and it will work. At least it has for all my testers no problem. If it's giving you error, then I need a log to see why.
Monk scouting map location on line 265 on monk class loader is incorrect, you have it as the artifact forge instead of the scouting map
valshara quest "Heart of Nightmare" bot runs to wrong location to turn in quest. Code: Goal: Turning in Quest - Heart of the Nightmare ( : To - Tyrande Whisperwind : ID - 104728 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 501] Activity: Waiting for quest NPC to appear to turn in quest Code: <Vendor Name="Tyrande Whisperwind" Entry="103022" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="3145.665" Y="5774.15" Z="308.1802" /> but the npc changes location and is present in both locations with different id´s he needs to go to Code: <Vendor Name="Tyrande Whisperwind" Entry="104728" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="3320.365" Y="5958.033" Z="249.0654" /> not the Tyrande Whisperwind where he picked up the quest. location and id changes!
50 lines of code later bot runs into simiular problem: tries to pick up quest at wrong npc Code: Goal: Picking Up Quest - Softening the Target ( : From - Elothir ( [Ref: "Pickup" @line 554] Activity: Waiting for NPC to show a quest cursor Code: <Vendor Name="Elothir" Entry="92783" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="3330.326" Y="5959.685" Z="253.6653" /> this is the right one to pick up the quest Softening the Target Code: <Vendor Name="Tyrande Whisperwind" Entry="104728" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="3320.365" Y="5958.033" Z="249.0641" />
is there a way to skip a quest ? currently i ran along a bugged one , i cancel it, but its always picked up again and trying to finish ita again and again and again (the Quest cant be finished , its NOT the Profile that is bugged)
im a orc DK lvl 109 and im stuck every time i start the quest bot i take the similar error [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile 'Legion\Auto-Loader.xml' Changing current profile to Legion Auto-Loader [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile 'Class Hall Loaders/[N-Quest] Death Knight [Echo].xml' Changing current profile to [N-Quest] Death Knight Class Hall Loader [Echo] Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.
Also, this is totally off topic, but I was just wondering if anyone here has any knowledge to the quest "Huln's War - The Arrival". I'm stuck at it finding the NPC to deliver it at :/