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  • [WIP] Singular - A community driven All-In-One CC - It Just Plain Works

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Apoc, Feb 7, 2011.

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    1. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      This thread is now LOCKED! Please continue discussion in the part 2 thread here.

      If you are NOT on the CURRENT Honorbuddy release, do NOT expect the SVN version of this CC to work! We do not support past versions of HB! - If it works, great! We don't strive to make it backwards compatible.

      The other night I started my All-In-One CC, called Singular.

      It's main idea is to "just work" for any spec/class you're on, and do so with fast reaction times, and no silly extra stuff that doesn't make sense.

      This CC is intended to be community driven. That means; you are more than welcome to suggest rotations, specs, etc, and all suggestions will be considered.

      Please note, I've written this CC so far, more as a 'framework' than an actual CC. However, creating a CC with it is simple to do.

      To Rotation Contributors:
      Please let me know of how a rotation should be done, with as MANY "requirements" as you can think of. Please don't give me short rotation examples, as I'd rather know exactly what I'm coding. - Please note, I don't have a level 85 character for each class, and I don't have characters at each level either. Please don't be offended if I add part of a rotation, and it doesn't work exactly as you'd like.

      To Code Contributors:
      Please submit your contributions in the form of either full .cs files, or patches. If your coding is up to standards (my standards that is), I'll provide you a login to allow committing. Keep in mind; abusing your login, sharing it, etc, will have you removed from the contributors list.

      To Supporters
      Please do feel free to provide support to those having issues, and give me (or other contibs) information on what an issue is, if it is indeed, a bug.

      If you feel the need to become angry, spastic, or otherwise annoying in this thread, expect your post to be deleted. Please keep this thread civilized, as I hope to keep it alive for quite some time.

      Our current development builds can always be grabbed from Revision 16: /trunk/Singular - You will need a Subversion client to download it easily.

      Our current STABLE builds can be retrieved via the attachments below (when a stable build is available)

      Currently Implemented

      The following table shows completion status.

      Not yet implemented
      Untested - Most likely buggy.
      Slightly Tested - May contain bugs.
      Tested and working - Should contain few, if any bugs.

      • Death Knight
        • Frost
        • Blood
        • Unholy
      • Druid
        • Resto
        • Moonkin
        • Feral - Bear [Tank]
        • Feral - Cat
      • Hunter
        • Survival
        • Beast Mastery
        • Marksman
      • Mage
        • Fire
        • Frost
        • Arcane
      • Paladin
        • Retribution
        • Protection
        • Holy
      • Priest
        • Discipline [Healing]
        • Shadow
        • Holy
        • Discipline [DPS]
      • Rogue
        • Subtelty
        • Assassination
        • Combat
      • Shaman
        • Elemental
        • Enhancement
        • Resto
      • Warlock
        • Demonology
        • Affliction
        • Destruction
      • Warrior
        • Protection [Tank]
        • Fury
        • Arms

      Installing from SVN
      You will need an SVN client in order to check out the current repository. I highly suggest TortoiseSVN (just Google for it)

      Once installed, navigate to your CustomClasses folder, and create a new folder named "Singular". Navigate inside that folder -> right click -> SVN Checkout. Enter the URL from above, and hit OK. It will automatically download the files.

      When you want to update, simply right click -> Update, inside the Singular folder. (Developers should check out from /trunk instead of trunk/Singular)
      Last edited: Apr 19, 2011
      Nuok likes this.
    2. strix

      strix New Member

      Feb 13, 2010
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      Here we go with Assassination Rogue.

      + close to perfect long fights rotation including adds and possible Crowd Controling them,
      + Garrote when you're stealthed and in combat state,
      + Tricks of the Trade on target's target,
      + using hands slot item (engineer devices like Tazik Shocker) and High-Powered Bolt Gun,
      - does not include any kind of movement,
      - does not use Vendetta or Vanish (encounter specific, maybe will come in future),
      - RuptureMinHP seems always returning true - no matter what,

      To do:
      - checking focus target & TotTing it instead,
      - Glyphs support (mainly FoK range),
      - replace Envenom with Eviscerate on lower levels,
      - skip Rupture before getting Venomous Wounds,

      Actually i don't see anything much different in raiding rotation and grinding rotation with Assa rogue, except 2 changes i mentioned.

      EDIT: replaced one fail bracket :)

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      Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    3. highend

      highend Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Warlock, Demonology:

      A pve oriented single target decision tree (not raid oriented):

      Fight starts:

      Soul Burn
      Bane of Doom
      Soul Fire (gives us the Improved Soul Fire Buff (15% haste for 15 seconds)
      Is Corruption on the target? -> NO -> Cast Corruption
      Is Immolate on the target? -> NO -> Cast Immolate
      Is Hand of Gul?dan off cooldown? -> YES -> Cast Hand of Gul?Dan
      Does Bane of Doom have more than 2 seconds left on the target? -> NO -> Cast Bane of Doom
      Is Improved Soul Fire buff up? -> NO -> Cast Soul Fire (using Soul Burn to make instant if available)
      Does Corruption have more than 2 seconds left on the target? -> NO -> Cast Corruption
      Is Decimate up? -> YES -> Cast Soul Fire
      Is Molten Core up -> YES -> Cast Incinerate
      Is Mana less than 50% and Health greater than 70%? -> YES -> Cast Life Tap
      Cast Shadow Bolt

      On high hp mobs or on adds use this as soon as possible:
      Demon Soul (Felguard)
      Felguard Felstorm
      Immolation Aura (while in melee range)
      Shadowflame (while in melee range)

      A reduced rotation should be used for low level mobs (up to WotLK mobs with 10-12k health).
      Felguard attacks, Immolate + Incinerate should be enough.
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    4. StefanKFG

      StefanKFG New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      UPDATED FOR 4.0.6a

      Warrior priorities (Top->Down), Fury:

      1. Collossus Smash
      2. Execute (when targets HP is under 20%, up to 5 stacks; afterward used behind BT and RB to hold the stacks up)
      3. Bloodthirst
      4. Raging Blow (needs to be enraged, if you aren't you can activate berserker rage (or Deathwish) to become enraged)
      5. Slam (only on Blood Sourge procc)
      6. (Heroic Strike, only above 60 rage)

      In addition you can/must use Battleshout/Commanding Shout for recent buffs and to get 30 rage.

      Warrior priorities (Top->Down), Arms:

      1. Rend (Overpover Proccs)
      2. Collossus Smash (because of the "Sudden Death" talent in the Arms tree you have a chance to reset the cooldown on CS. Don't use it instantly after a procc, manage to have CS up near 100%. CS lasts 6 sec on the target)
      3. Execute (when targets HP is under 20%)
      4. Overpower
      5. Mortal Strike
      6. Slam
      7. Heroic Strike (above 60 rage)
      on 2+ adds:
      Fury: Cleave + whirlwind + Bloodthirst
      Arms: Rend, Thunderclap (hold on CD), Sweaping Strikes, Bladestorm, Cleave, Whirlwind
      Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
    5. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Any specific orders to these rotations? Or top down? (Top being highest prio)
    6. strix

      strix New Member

      Feb 13, 2010
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      Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    7. lukeyboy89

      lukeyboy89 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Apoc, you will find the best rotations over at Eliteist jerks. They are mathematically tested
    8. Synik

      Synik Active Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      Fire Mage.

      First of all level range between 1-10/15 will require a "low level" rotation as spells are simply not available for pure fire.

      Basic Information;

      Always keep Arcane Brilliance and Molten Armor (Molten Armor with Firestarter talent) active.
      Always create Mana Gems (Conjure Mana Gem) when you run out.
      Always create cookies (Conjure Refreshment) before engaging in combat so we do not get stuck waiting for mana to make them after combat.

      Fire Spec (inc glyphs);

      Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
      Evocation glyph is used as it gives both health and mana which is ideal for mages being botted.

      Spells Used;

      Living Bomb
      Fire Blast
      Blast Wave
      Flame Orb
      Frost Nova
      Conjure Mana Gem
      Ice Block
      Mirror Image

      Single Target Rotation (mana above 50%);

      Pull from range using Fireball, cast Scorch and then cast Living Bomb. Use Pyroblast on Hot Streak proc. Use Fire Blast on Impact proc. Always reapply Living Bomb when it expires. Always reapply Scorch before Critical Mass fades from the target. Fireball is your spam spell used in between all dot applications and such. It is also beneficial to kite mobs to take less damage, you can either use Frost Nova and Blink/run to max range and carry on or you can use Frost Nova/Blast Wave and spam Scorch whilst you back pedal or strafe kit the mob. Scorch can only be cast on the move if you have the talent Firestarter. If you start to reach less then 30% health and/or mana it is good idea to pop Mirror Image wait 3 seconds then Ice Block and then cancel the Ice Block 2-3 seconds later and use Evocation to regen and then proceed with killing. Mirror Image is on a 3 minute cool down and are only active for 30 seconds.

      Single Target Rotation (mana below 50%);

      Exactly the same as above except Scorch becomes your spam spell. It is also advisable to pop a Conjure Mana Gem to regain some mana. If you start to reach less then 30% health and/or mana it is good idea to pop Mirror Image, wait 3 seconds then Ice Block and then cancel the Ice Block 2-3 seconds later and use Evocation to regen and then proceed with killing. Mirror Image is on a 3 minute cool down and are only active for 30 seconds.

      Multi Target Rotation;

      Pull as you would do in a single target rotation using Fireball -> Scorch -> Living Bomb.
      This is where the fun starts, once the mage has triggered Impact proc you should check if Living Bomb is still active and not about to expire, if it is about to expire just refresh it and the go ahead and hit Fire Blast. Fire Blast will push all dots, including Living Bomb, to the other adds allowing them to take AOE damage. The proc for Fire Blast is Impact and it only lasts for 10 seconds before expiring so the bot needs to be quick with its checks. Additionally Fire Blast will also very briefly stun all mobs that are not immune to it which is most in typical PVE areas, take advantage of this to lay down a Blast Wave on their area and then back pedal or strafe kite whilst casting Scorch.

      Additional Spells;

      Fire mages also have a spell called Combustion, this spell consumes all active dots (Pyroblast, Ignite and Living Bomb) and reapplies them as a single dot. Use Combustion when all three dots are active to maximise damage. One important thing we must do is reapply Living Bomb directly after using Combustion as it consumes it. Combustion is on a 2 minute cool down.

      We can also make use of Flame Orb at level 85, this spell should only be used when you are facing the target(s) you are killing.
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    9. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      I check EJ quite a lot, however, they're mostly tuned for high-level, and end-game raiding. As we know, HB isn't really capable of raiding, so the rotations don't quite apply.
    10. Gigglebyte

      Gigglebyte New Member

      Jan 24, 2011
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      Looks like pretty much from Maxdps.com.

      My rotation is for dungeons/raids. It's meant to make use of macros and inner rage to squeeze the most of the dps as possible. I believe that warriors have to use lots of macros to gain the full potential of Warriors. Especially Inner Rage (Overlooked.). This rotation will change in 4.0.6 because heroic strike and inner rage will change.

      1. Colossus Smash (Highest priority.)
      2. Execute (Under 20% Mixed with Colossus Smash to get the maximum dps below 20%)
      3. Berserker Rage( when not enraged yet.)
      4. Raging Blow (When Enraged. Use berserker rage if not.)
      5. Blood Thirst (Macro)
      #showtooltip Bloodthirst
      /cancelaura Inner Rage
      /cast Bloodthirst
      This is so it cancels inner rage incase it lingers with the other macros below)
      6. Slam (Macro. When procced by Bloodsurge)
      #showtooltip Slam
      /cancelaura Inner Rage
      /cast Inner Rage
      /cast Slam
      /cancelaura Inner Rage)
      7. Heroic Strike (Macro. When above 60-70 Rage. Don't use it if you have everything on cooldown.)
      #showtooltip Heroic Strike
      /cancelaura Inner Rage
      /cast Inner Rage
      /cast Heroic Strike
      /cancelaura Inner Rage )


      Warriors need to make use of Inner Rage. Even if its "crappy". You really won't notice the difference in rage gain if you use it then turn it off. It's a small boost in dps and worth the small rage it costs. But, thats my opinion.

      Subject to change in 4.0.6
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    11. StefanKFG

      StefanKFG New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      I didn't copy that from any forum, this priorities are just my experiences i've made since cata and endless experiements about it.
      But I have to disagree you. Inner Rage is such a shit ability (that won't change with 4.0.6) unless you have the 27% hitcap so you have "endless" rage. But it's really fail to go for hard hit cap because you'll lose so much points in strenght and crit.

      Btw: You only can activate Inner Rage when you have at least 75 rage so
      won't go. The only thing I could imagine to you Inner Rage is when you have the procc you don't need rage for the next skill that costs more than 5 rage (don't know it's name atm).

      In addition I don't think it makes sense to use it while farming because white hits would be enough :)
    12. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Basic demo lock rotation is now added. Looking for more!

      Will be working on fire mage rotation in a few minutes. (Thanks for the write up)
    13. Vertraag

      Vertraag New Member

      May 14, 2010
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      Apoc, do you want this CC to be able to handle everything; PvP, PvE, RAF, IB, etc? Or are you just looking for rotations for one particular thing?
    14. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Rotations for anything.

      Currently, the 'framework' supports 3 different WoW contexts. Instances, Battlegrounds, and Normal (anything not an instance/bg). This allows us to grab specific rotations for specific contexts. (Eg; you can have an instance rotation for BM hunter, and a totally different rotation for BGs, again, for BM hunters.)

      Allows a bunch of flexibility.

      Currently, since I only have basic rotations, they're enabled for all contexts. If people want to give rotations specific to each, I'd be happy to make the changes to support it.
    15. Gigglebyte

      Gigglebyte New Member

      Jan 24, 2011
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      I was thinking the most maximum dps for dungeons. I run all these macros to use inner rage and my dps boosts. With so much rage after everything is on cooldown, I have nothing else to use it on other then to build up more. I don't rely on Heroic strike as much as Raging Blow and Bloodthirst. Thats why my heroic strike is near the bottom. Heroic strike is a crap ton of rage. And if I was going to use heroic strike, it might as well be 60-70 rage. Might as well use inner rage with it.

      You don't lose that much rage for it to be crappy. Its only useful for small bursts like Slam/Heroic Strike. And if you don't have that much rage it wouldn't even matter because it's only useable past 70%.
      With inner rage, I've critted past 30k with self buff only. Without it my crits were pretty low. It's a nice boost in dps. But its not necessary. I'll edit my post in a little bit to make it more clear.

      I'm pulling 10k-12k dps with 352 ilvl equipped. 4/5 pvp gear but gemmed for dps. I have about 13% hit. Those macros are pretty much for hardcore "min/max" players. I use it because its not really a difference in rage since if your rage isn't high enough you won't use inner rage. If it is high enough it does use inner rage for one ability then turns off.
    16. StefanKFG

      StefanKFG New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      Okay, that is your playstyle and I respect that. But it's not the optimal way to dps :). Take a look in the WOL and you will see that Heroic Strike (HS) is the most powerful skill in 4.0.3. After HS it is our Whit Hit and then comes Blood Thirst (BT). But this is all 4.0.3 and will be really different in 4.0.6 because BT is buffed by 30%, Raging Blow (RB) by 50%, Mastery gets also a huge buff. In addition you don't need that much hit like now because HS is nerfed by 35% so the rage/dps relation is quite bad. I suggest that with 4.0.6 this priorities will be:

      1. Collossus Smash
      2. BT
      3. RB
      4. HS (> 70 ragedump as intended)
    17. legaston

      legaston New Member

      Sep 2, 2010
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      For destruction warlocks,

      Pre-Combat :
      - Fel armor
      - Pet : Imp
      - Soul Link
      - Dark Intent (To cast on a caster in the party or on your pet)
      - Soul Harvest if shards < 3 or to gain health when it's off CD (maybe you can life tap to get full mana then soul harvest to restore health)

      Single Target fight:
      - Soul Fire if Improved Soul Fire buff is off or remaining time < cast time (using Soulburn to get instant soul fire if it's off CD)
      - Soul Fire if Empowered Imp buff is on the player.
      - Demon soul (if pet is alive and off CD)
      - Immolate (if remaining time is less than 2 sec)
      - Bane of doom (if remaining time is less than 15 sec)
      - Conflagrate (if it's off CD)
      - Corruption (if remaining time is less than 2 sec)
      - Shadowflame (if at melee range and off CD)
      - Chaos Bolt (if it's off CD)
      - Shadowburn (if target's health < 20% and off CD) it require a talent point in Shadowburn
      - Incinerate

      Simplified single target:
      - Soul Fire if Empowered Imp buff is on the player.
      - Immolate (if remaining time is less than 2 sec)
      - Conflagrate (if it's off CD)
      - Chaos Bolt (if it's off CD)
      - Shadowburn (if target's health < 20% and off CD) it require a talent point in Shadowburn
      - Incinerate

      For low level players:
      - Soul Fire if Empowered Imp buff is on the player.
      - Immolate (if remaining time is less than 2 sec)
      - Conflagrate (if it's off CD)
      - Incinerate or Shadow bolt if incinerate is not available

      Like Demonology, if mana < 50% and health > 70% cast Life Tap

      For multiple targets :
      - Bane of havoc on one add
      - Shadowflame (require melee range)
      - shadowfury (require to click where the targets are)
      maybe rain of fire but it is very expensive
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    18. Nuok

      Nuok Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just as a heads up you need to be using id's for has Me.HasAura("Hot Streak") and the same for almost all other talented proc based things.

      This is because simply having the talent gives you an aura of "Hot Streak | SpellId: 44445" but the actual proc is "Hot Streak | SpellId: 48108". alternatively you could check to see if duration >0.

      Maybe you are already checking for this but I jut thought i would point it out :)

      Attached Files:

    19. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      All the active auras in Me.ActiveAuras is auras that has a duration greater than zero
      Works for talent procs etc. now fixed it in last release.
    20. Nuok

      Nuok Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ah ok :)
      ignore what i said then
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