Strange, im getting like half the seeds i used to, im in heroic and i relogged still the same nerfed? ill keep relogging
You don't need to set it as your mount, just own it. Bot will sell/repair inside dungeon before going out.
FYI ~3hours so far! Code: XP/HR: 0Getötet: 5289 (1229/Std) Tode: 3 (1/Std) Plünderungen: 426 (99/Std) Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr) Gold Gained: 17331,63 (4027/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr)
with 1.3 I get stuck alot inside the instance. With 1.1 I didnt, so atm im using 1.1 with the dismount feature
okay so i bought mammoth (this did not fix it thanks for wasting my gold hasan ;P) and here is the log and the thumbnail is the spot it stops everytime the script doesnt actually stop it just stands there and at the bottom of HB it says no viable mobs it clears the Left side then when it goes down to the other it stops there and then it says no viable mobs.
hello fandig2. You can add a route that would have found the way to the dungeon out of Orgrimmar and Stormwind? The route looks like this in Port Blasted Land> Dark Portal to Draenor Ashran> Use the flight that would fly to the dungeon
Try to do a clean install of honorbuddy. If that doesn't work delete this in the profile: Code: <CustomBehavior File="KillUntilComplete" ImmediatelySwitchToHighestPriorityTarget="True" TerminateWhen="Object(81820, o => o.ToUnit().IsDead) != null || Unit(81820) == null"> <PursuitList> <PursueUnit Id="81820" PursueWhen="UNIT.Distance <= 30" Priority="9999" /> <PursueUnit Id="84767" Priority="8888" /> <PursueUnit Id="81819" Priority="7777" /> <PursueUnit Id="81864" Priority="6666" /> </PursuitList> </CustomBehavior>
Np. BTW I did reply that I didn't think vendor mount was the problem. Anyway it should save you money in the long-run
Code: XP/HR: 0 Getötet: 11301 (1238/Std) Tode: 6 (1/Std) Plünderungen: 902 (99/Std) Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr) Gold Gained: 37100,88 (4065/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr)