Um if you have the time could you tell me where is located the code lines who manage the 3 attempts who turn off the script. Cause ide like to desactivate it, it bugs every 2-3 hours, tested on 20 accounts.
When it uses the deathgate to go back inside the instance, if we are within the 10 isntance per hour lock it will try 3 times then log off, can we turn that off ( put the timers between the attempts to 5 mins perhaps)
Bot will only reset the instance once. Never more than 1, so it can't lock. Portal as nothing to do with locking an instance. BTW portal is also only used once.
I know that but my point is that 1 time out of 3 when its at its done its final run and going onto the next set of 10 runs , an hour has not passsed exactly, from what I see its anything between 55 mins and an hour. Which makes the bot try to enter 3 times and gets refused to enter the 3 times then the bot stops. It goes faster then the 10 instances per hour permitted 1 time out of 3 from what I can see. Once again it is not random numbers as it is tested 20 hours a day on 22 accounts, I get pretty accurate stats, bug wise, GPH wise and time wise. Other then that bug which can be dealt with like I told you, the profile seems to run pretty smooth good job!
Change "<CustomBehavior File="Misc\InstanceTimer" Timer="Check" WaitTime="360000" />" to something else if you want more than 6 mins each run. There are 3 of those in the code, depends on if you use deathgate legion, deathgate normal or no deathgate.
no one was lieing here, sometimes after finish the instance run, it loot much less than normal. Maybe something wrong with WOW
Sometimes a bug appear which makes you unable to loot everything, a restart help it. It has been mentioned several times but this thread is too big for someone to read through it. Now I only tell it to those who ask why loot is poor instead of telling it to all the guys who just joins the thread to state "blizzard patched it".
Came back to the bot after about an hour or so and I found it killed the first boss and locked me out. Using legion 1.2 hardcore. View attachment 679376 2016-09-08 19.40.txt
I don't really know where in the log that you killed him. But it looked like the bot was trying to run to the last spot with the first big pull and was stuck on the way there and then died. The only thing I can think of is that the bot died before reaching the spot to kill big pull and then when he revived the bot continued to the next line of code ( it does that can't stop it). So the bot then ran from the entrance down to kill the adds around 1st boss and pulled with him several packs from the start area. With that many extra units close to the boss + Gnarlroot (the tree that silences you) the bot didn't have time to kill all of them before boss spawned.
Yeah that makes sense, just going to level them to 110 now, they kill the pulls easily, but I know at 110 they will miss a lot. Thank you for the always fast replying in this forum, much appreciated. Great profile.
Happend several times that he runs to the wall and cant teleport back to instance, see image and log. Heroic 1.3.
Bot failed to use deathgate and is now trying to run to dungeon entrance. I don't know why it would fail (are you instance locked?) . If you are not instance locked try restarting HB.
Not instance locked, i manually used Death Gate and the instance was resetted. You think it might fail if there is some kind of connection issue with WOW servers?
I saw multiple different bugs during the sell routine. I think trusting the mesh system working properly is a bad idea. Here is a log, where the bot gots to Arak somehow. Also you can add this to break the 6 sec stun. Sometimes bot will just die if you pulled everything and die during this stun. Code: <CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="Stunned" AllowUseDuringCombat="True" UseWhen="Me.HasAura(164965)"> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(212552);" /> </CustomBehavior>