The Class Hall loader checks if you need to quest in a zone by looking at your achievement status. If you've completed all the story lines in a quest zone - the loader will ignore loading that profile, even if you don't have all the side quests complete. So the Class Hall loader you're using is stopping because it sees you've completed every story line already. I'm currently looking into changing this to detect if the last quest in the profile is complete instead of by checking the achievement.
Thanks for your reply. This issue is still occurring for me. View attachment 12512 2016-09-09 15.51.txt
aaah alot of bugs for now. dont dare to use the quest bot anymore before its more smooth. got more /w of being a bot in one day then i have in years. to much getting stuck and running back and forth in circles and shitt.
Got to 109 and now [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile 'Class Hall Loaders/[N-Quest] Druid [Echo].xml' Changing current profile to [N-Quest] Druid Class Hall Loader [Echo] Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.
nothing more to do means all quests in the profile are completed xD wait for other quest profiles choose grind profiles do dungeons or by yourself
well searched a while for this THANKS ! worked !! pls DEVS !! can you just update it ( @zipfile ) ?? that we dont have to manual fix it? STORMHEIN quest is bugged? THX! just do what this guy did! worked for me <3 thx
Impossible to start the bot. I loaded Autoloader v2 from the store. [13:13:12.493 N] [Avoid-16055%(error) @line 219]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Hum sorry, but i found an issue. Before, i started from orgrimar. Now i tp dalaran and it works. Edit : Finally, the bot works few minutes and stop again.
Is there anyway to make the questing bot do Bonus Objectives in the legion profiles? If not can this be implemented? Abit annoying when it skips the Bonus Objectives at 70% to turn in quests.
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Official 1-110 Questing rev5292\Official 1-110 Questing rev5292\Questing Profile Pack\Legion\[N-Quest] Stormheim [Echo] can not load,it says,"Cannot load profile! 'NonCompeteDistance' is a duplicate attribute name. Line 1376, position 75." I tryed many times,changed a computer,resetup hb,but it still can't load.
Maybe there will be separate profile for all the bonus quests maybe they will be implemented in already existing ones we will see, but for now u must complete them manually.
Hi Echo, in the Horde Stormheim Szenario Stage 2 "The Eternity" Druids have to cancel shapeshift form to enter the catapult.
I too receive this error message when trying to load Stormheim file. It gives me an error on line 1376 as well as 1494 position 75.