Is this addon compatible with singular routines because in shaman a lots of skills are not use. or what combat addons is now compatible with singular?
Im using singular. I don't see this option anywhere. Also its definitely not "disable non combat behaviours".
Frame rate drops! Hi - When i use Enyo and my CR I sometimes get some major frame rate problems, where they dip below 20 for a couple of seconds, and afterwards, they go back up to a 100+? Ive attached the log, so i hope anyone can tell me what the problems is, im a first time HB user.
uuuhm, there are no FPS probs anymore sincer HB3 update. I only use Enyo with Millz and have 0 FPS problems, running smoothly since update
My FPS was garbage with all the HB bots and this fixed all my problems. Thanks for bringing Enyo back.
hey guys, I'm having FPS drops playing Feral druid when my energy is low, i heard the new version fixed this issue for Rogues, but it looks like that Feral druids are still having this issue.
I think the problem is that Honorbuddy 3 is a huge piece of shit. No matter what, once combat starts this bot turns to complete shit but this happens with every single botbase I have tried. HB3 is the issues, it's fucking junk.
I can only speak from my position, but i also had this fps drops, with every class, but since hb3, all classes run smooth here, no drops or something. And i dont think that the bb is garbage, its well done, and enyo is best again. But u can try a clean install and delete all folders from bot that left after clean install by hand, and than give it a try again^^
I have not tried Kingwow routines but all of my tuanha routines go from 140+ frames down to 20 drastically. Tried my Millz routine and kitty druid routine and they run super smooth. Tried all three of my PC's and all the same results.
I don't see any major fps drops when running HB3 and Enyo. Enyo does seem to get unstable after longer periods of time. But that's about it. If I run questing or raid bot, it's quite solid. Not bad for a major expansion and a new version of the bot.
Please can you make the framelock on/off setting avaible again like it was in older version? Right now the bot is set to Framelock off. which is good for slower underpreforming computers but horrible for comps with good speed/specs. Making it very jumping and laggy at times. Not sure if you want to take a look at the enyo config settings folder that says framelock within the bot is disabled. and hopefully you can either turn it back on for other users. Or bring back the interface option to toggle on/off. or provide us with a way to fix the bot interally since you have granted us access to the actual file. thankyou
i'm not getting enyo streamed into HB yet. how did you guys get it working ? i'm using the default combat bot and it sucks for doing dungeons