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  • [Bot] PoolFishingBuddy - BetaTest

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by LiquidAtoR, Feb 6, 2011.

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    Not open for further replies.
    1. CptJesus

      CptJesus Member

      Jan 4, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      On the contrary, I would like it to use waterwalking more...there are trouble spots in uldum where its next to impossible to fish a pool without waterwalking/levitate
    2. ChibiMatt

      ChibiMatt New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Not really sure whats up, but I'm running the bot in the latest version of HB, loading a few different profiles, and even using water walking, and the bot flies around looking for pools, then finds one, flies down directly to it, and tries to 'harvest' it, then cant obviously, and blacklists, then moves on. Doesn't even dismount.

      Edit: Tried manually dismounting when I got to a node, and it applies my lure, then tries to fish, but it's still too close, directly on the pool. When I move back manually, it keeps casting even when the lure lands in the pool. Not sure why this would be happening when it seems from other comments that its working flawlessly for some people :(

      Building spell book
      Spell book built
      Loading C:\Users\Matt\Downloads\WoW Stuff\HB *****ed 3895\Default Profiles\Fishing\AutoAngler - Uldum Coast, Fathom Eels.xml.
      Changing current profile to AutoAngler - Uldum Coast, Fathom Eels
      Swift Flight Form
      Flight Form
      Swift Flight Form
      Flight Form
      Saved Settings:
      Cast Range: 15
      Flying Mount: Onyx Netherwing Drake
      Ninja Pools: False
      Blacklist Schools: False
      Use Lure: True
      Starting the bot!
      Changing current profile to AutoAngler - Uldum Coast, Fathom Eels
      02:32:20 PM - Pool Fisher 1.0.6 started!
      Current Settings:
      Cast Range: 15
      Flying Mount: Onyx Netherwing Drake
      Ninja Pools: False
      Blacklist Schools: False
      Use Lure: True
      Chose Fpsware Hunter(0.0.9) by Fpsware as your combat class!
      Creating 'Rest' behavior
      Creating 'Pull' behavior
      Creating 'Heal' behavior
      Creating 'Combat' behavior
      You are a level 85 Survival Hunter
      Loading settings ...
      Loading settings from the config file...
      -Setting: LowLevelCheck  Value: ... never
      -Setting: RestHealth  Value: 45
      -Setting: RestMana  Value: 0
      -Setting: Debug  Value: ... do not show debug
      -Setting: RAFTarget  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ShowUI  Value: ... always
      -Setting: SmartEatDrink  Value: ... always
      -Setting: CombatTimeout  Value: 30
      -Setting: HealthPotion  Value: 24
      -Setting: LifebloodHealth  Value: 40
      -Setting: FocusShot  Value: 39
      -Setting: ManaPotion  Value: 0
      -Setting: AspectOfTheCheetah  Value: ... always
      -Setting: CheetahMinDistance  Value: 100
      -Setting: CheetahHostileRange  Value: 60
      -Setting: PreEmptiveLooting  Value: ... never
      -Setting: SerpentSting  Value: ... only if not low level
      -Setting: MendPetHealth  Value: 80
      -Setting: AimedShot  Value: ... focus 80+
      -Setting: ArcaneShot  Value: ... focus 40+
      -Setting: FeignDeathHealth  Value: 30
      -Setting: TrapInCombat  Value: ... never
      -Setting: TrapOnAdds  Value: Explosive Trap
      -Setting: BlackArrow  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ExplosiveShot  Value: ... always
      -Setting: KillCommand  Value: ... focus 80+
      -Setting: DeterrenceHealth  Value: 30
      -Setting: RapidFire  Value: ... never
      -Setting: BestialWrath  Value: ... never
      -Setting: Intimidation  Value: ... never
      -Setting: Misdirection  Value: ... always
      -Setting: TrapLauncher  Value: Explosive Trap
      -Setting: Disengage  Value: ... always
      -Setting: WidowVenom  Value: ... only in battlegrounds
      -Setting: PetSlot  Value: Call Pet 1
      -Setting: PetAttackDelay  Value: ... never
      -Setting: HuntersMark  Value: ... only if not low level
      -Setting: ChimeraShot  Value: ... never
      -Setting: FeignDeath  Value: ... on aggro and low health
      -Setting: PetHappiness  Value: ... Glyph of Mend Pet
      -Setting: FocusFire  Value: ... on 4+ Frenzy
      -Setting: ConsumeFrenzyEffect  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ContinuousPulling  Value: ... never
      Finished loading settings
      Settings loaded
      Pull Max Distance set to 40
      Pull Min Distance set to 38
      [BuddyCenter]: BuddyCenter is succesfully loaded
      Loading settings ...
      Loading settings from the config file...
      -Setting: LowLevelCheck  Value: ... never
      -Setting: RestHealth  Value: 45
      -Setting: RestMana  Value: 0
      -Setting: Debug  Value: ... do not show debug
      -Setting: RAFTarget  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ShowUI  Value: ... always
      -Setting: SmartEatDrink  Value: ... always
      -Setting: CombatTimeout  Value: 30
      -Setting: HealthPotion  Value: 24
      -Setting: LifebloodHealth  Value: 40
      -Setting: FocusShot  Value: 39
      -Setting: ManaPotion  Value: 0
      -Setting: AspectOfTheCheetah  Value: ... always
      -Setting: CheetahMinDistance  Value: 100
      -Setting: CheetahHostileRange  Value: 60
      -Setting: PreEmptiveLooting  Value: ... never
      -Setting: SerpentSting  Value: ... only if not low level
      -Setting: MendPetHealth  Value: 80
      -Setting: AimedShot  Value: ... focus 80+
      -Setting: ArcaneShot  Value: ... focus 40+
      -Setting: FeignDeathHealth  Value: 30
      -Setting: TrapInCombat  Value: ... never
      -Setting: TrapOnAdds  Value: Explosive Trap
      -Setting: BlackArrow  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ExplosiveShot  Value: ... always
      -Setting: KillCommand  Value: ... focus 80+
      -Setting: DeterrenceHealth  Value: 30
      -Setting: RapidFire  Value: ... never
      -Setting: BestialWrath  Value: ... never
      -Setting: Intimidation  Value: ... never
      -Setting: Misdirection  Value: ... always
      -Setting: TrapLauncher  Value: Explosive Trap
      -Setting: Disengage  Value: ... always
      -Setting: WidowVenom  Value: ... only in battlegrounds
      -Setting: PetSlot  Value: Call Pet 1
      -Setting: PetAttackDelay  Value: ... never
      -Setting: HuntersMark  Value: ... only if not low level
      -Setting: ChimeraShot  Value: ... never
      -Setting: FeignDeath  Value: ... on aggro and low health
      -Setting: PetHappiness  Value: ... Glyph of Mend Pet
      -Setting: FocusFire  Value: ... on 4+ Frenzy
      -Setting: ConsumeFrenzyEffect  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ContinuousPulling  Value: ... never
      Finished loading settings
      Settings have been updated with your changes
      02:32:26 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:27 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:28 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:29 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:30 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:31 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:32 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:33 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:34 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:35 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:36 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:37 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:38 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:39 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:40 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:41 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:42 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:43 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:44 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:45 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:46 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:47 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:48 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:49 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:50 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:51 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:52 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:32:52 PM - Found - Fathom Eel Swarm - at a distance of 61.5198402404785. Guid: 17659485072389122336. Entry: 202780.
      Moving to Type: Harvest
      Looting Unkown Object Guid:0
      Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
      02:33:06 PM - Pool Fisher 1.0.6 stopped!
      Swift Flight Form
      Flight Form
      Swift Flight Form
      Flight Form
      Saved Settings:
      Cast Range: 15
      Flying Mount: Onyx Netherwing Drake
      Ninja Pools: False
      Blacklist Schools: False
      Use Lure: True
      Starting the bot!
      Changing current profile to AutoAngler - Uldum Coast, Fathom Eels
      02:36:38 PM - Pool Fisher 1.0.6 started!
      Current Settings:
      Cast Range: 15
      Flying Mount: Onyx Netherwing Drake
      Ninja Pools: False
      Blacklist Schools: False
      Use Lure: True
      You are a level 85 Survival Hunter
      Loading settings ...
      Loading settings from the config file...
      -Setting: LowLevelCheck  Value: ... never
      -Setting: RestHealth  Value: 45
      -Setting: RestMana  Value: 0
      -Setting: Debug  Value: ... do not show debug
      -Setting: RAFTarget  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ShowUI  Value: ... always
      -Setting: SmartEatDrink  Value: ... always
      -Setting: CombatTimeout  Value: 30
      -Setting: HealthPotion  Value: 24
      -Setting: LifebloodHealth  Value: 40
      -Setting: FocusShot  Value: 39
      -Setting: ManaPotion  Value: 0
      -Setting: AspectOfTheCheetah  Value: ... always
      -Setting: CheetahMinDistance  Value: 100
      -Setting: CheetahHostileRange  Value: 60
      -Setting: PreEmptiveLooting  Value: ... never
      -Setting: SerpentSting  Value: ... only if not low level
      -Setting: MendPetHealth  Value: 80
      -Setting: AimedShot  Value: ... focus 80+
      -Setting: ArcaneShot  Value: ... focus 40+
      -Setting: FeignDeathHealth  Value: 30
      -Setting: TrapInCombat  Value: ... never
      -Setting: TrapOnAdds  Value: Explosive Trap
      -Setting: BlackArrow  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ExplosiveShot  Value: ... always
      -Setting: KillCommand  Value: ... focus 80+
      -Setting: DeterrenceHealth  Value: 30
      -Setting: RapidFire  Value: ... never
      -Setting: BestialWrath  Value: ... never
      -Setting: Intimidation  Value: ... never
      -Setting: Misdirection  Value: ... always
      -Setting: TrapLauncher  Value: Explosive Trap
      -Setting: Disengage  Value: ... always
      -Setting: WidowVenom  Value: ... only in battlegrounds
      -Setting: PetSlot  Value: Call Pet 1
      -Setting: PetAttackDelay  Value: ... never
      -Setting: HuntersMark  Value: ... only if not low level
      -Setting: ChimeraShot  Value: ... never
      -Setting: FeignDeath  Value: ... on aggro and low health
      -Setting: PetHappiness  Value: ... Glyph of Mend Pet
      -Setting: FocusFire  Value: ... on 4+ Frenzy
      -Setting: ConsumeFrenzyEffect  Value: ... always
      -Setting: ContinuousPulling  Value: ... never
      Finished loading settings
      Settings have been updated with your changes
      02:36:39 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:40 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:41 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:42 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:43 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:44 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:45 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:46 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:47 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:48 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:49 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:50 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:51 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:52 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:53 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:54 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:55 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:56 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:57 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:58 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:36:59 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:00 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:01 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:02 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:03 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:04 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:05 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:06 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:07 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:08 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:09 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:10 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:11 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:12 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:13 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:14 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:15 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:16 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:17 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:18 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:19 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:20 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:21 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:22 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:23 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:24 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:25 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:26 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:27 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:28 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:29 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:30 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:31 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:32 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:33 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:34 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:35 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:36 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:37 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:38 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:39 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:40 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:41 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:42 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:43 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:44 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:45 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:46 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:47 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:48 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:49 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:50 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:51 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:52 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:53 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:54 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:55 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:56 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:57 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:58 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:37:59 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:00 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:01 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:02 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:03 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:04 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:05 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:06 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:07 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:08 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:09 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:10 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:11 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:12 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:13 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:14 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:15 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:16 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:17 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:18 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:19 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:20 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:21 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:22 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:23 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:24 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:25 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:26 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:27 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:28 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:29 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:30 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:31 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:32 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:33 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:34 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:35 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:36 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:37 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:38 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:39 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:40 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:41 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:42 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:43 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:44 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:45 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:46 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:47 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:48 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:49 PM - Looking for pools..
      02:38:49 PM - Found - Fathom Eel Swarm - at a distance of 95.6119995117188. Guid: 17659485072389091615. Entry: 202780.
      02:38:49 PM - Looking for pool point...
      02:38:50 PM - PoolPoint: <-11690.36, -663.4575, 3.016826>. Count total: 3
      02:38:50 PM - Moving to PoolPoint: <-11690.36, -663.4575, 3.016826>, distance: 93.17532, Location: <-11705.13, -755.4383, 1.232874>. (Mounted)
      Moving to Type: Harvest
      Looting Unkown Object Guid:0
      Appling Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat to fishing pole
      -Call Pet 1
      -Revive Pet
      Appling Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat to fishing pole
      02:39:04 PM - Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat is on cooldown!
      02:39:04 PM - Try: 0 of 10.
      02:39:04 PM - Missed the pool!
      02:39:05 PM - Try: 1 of 10.
      02:39:05 PM - Missed the pool!
      02:39:05 PM - Try: 2 of 10.
      02:39:06 PM - Missed the pool!
      02:39:06 PM - Try: 3 of 10.
      02:39:07 PM - Missed the pool!
      02:39:07 PM - Try: 4 of 10.
      02:39:08 PM - Missed the pool!
      02:39:08 PM - Try: 5 of 10.
      02:39:09 PM - Try: 6 of 10.
      02:39:10 PM - Missed the pool!
      02:39:10 PM - Try: 7 of 10.
      Destination is 11723 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Aspect of the Cheetah
      -Aspect of the Cheetah
      02:39:11 PM - Try: 8 of 10.
      Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
      Looting Unkown Object Guid:0
      02:39:13 PM - Missed the pool!
      02:39:13 PM - Try: 9 of 10.
      Swift Flight Form
      Flight Form
      02:39:15 PM - Tried to cast 10 times. CreateMoveToPoolBehaviour!
      Looting Unkown Object Guid:0
      02:39:16 PM - Missed the pool!
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    3. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Whats your cast range in poolfisher settings ChibiMatt?

      There will be a new beta release within the next hours and I'd like to find what's wrong for you first.
    4. ChibiMatt

      ChibiMatt New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Hey, I had the cast range set to the default 15 for awhile, then I tried changing it to 20 with no success, so I switched it back to default.
      Thanks for the response, I know coding something like this isn't easy, much appreciated. :)
    5. nekrataal

      nekrataal New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Have you even tried it?, im running it in uldum actually and havent had a single trouble fishing from any pool, remember that pools are placed so that you can actually fish from them...without the need of waterwalking since not every class has it.
    6. CptJesus

      CptJesus Member

      Jan 4, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      I wouldn't be here talking about it if I hadn't already tried it...there are pools along the coast of Uldum which have a VERY specific point that the bot usually cant reach, and it just gets stuck in the water. Waterwalking would alleviate these problems. is it necessary? No. Would it be more efficient in many cases? Absolutely
    7. funkescott

      funkescott New Member

      Jan 9, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      I've noticed an issue when fishing along the coast of Uldum. On some pools the bot would pick a spot on land where the slope was too steep and would just slide down into the water. I was trying to fix it but couldn't find anything in the HB library that returns the slope given a point. Is it possible? Or do you have to take a few sample points from around the desired location and figure out the slope your self?
    8. bloodlust8

      bloodlust8 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Awesome. I will check this out in 1hr :)

      Great bot few problems but it was mainly the profile I was using. Thanks +rep
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    9. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Version 1.0.7 is out!

      - fixed some issues with idle state
      - everthing is working faster now, except equipping the pole.. need to rewrite this!
      - Added 3 new options to user interface:
      # MaxTries for casting: This allows you to choose, after how many failed casts you want to move to a new point.
      # MaxTries for descend: This is something like an unstuck timer requested by echelon17.
      # descend on higher reaches:
      A fix for profiles like the one quel is using for Crystelsong Forrest. If you end up in swimming very much, enable it.
      - Blackspots from profiles are working now!

      - Maybe fixed
      ChibiMatt's issue with movement type..
    10. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Try the new release with "descend on higher reaches" disabled.
      dottzor likes this.
    11. ChibiMatt

      ChibiMatt New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Awesome, will try when I get home from work. Thanks for the hard work!
    12. dottzor

      dottzor Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Not tried the latest build
      But just wanted say ..

      Awesome, works like a charm.
    13. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      If it is still not working for you please post a full logfile here or on my issues tracker @ googlecode..

      You are welcome bud. Hit the star below my avatar ;)
    14. derico5

      derico5 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can u add (a button?) to use this bot only for skilling fishing? So dont move, no need of profiles, dont look for pools, just fishing in that place until we stop the bot.
    15. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Use Mr. FishIt!
    16. lilsimpleboi

      lilsimpleboi New Member

      Feb 3, 2011
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      Just keep walking into wall if miss 10 times.

      Attached Files:

    17. lilsimpleboi

      lilsimpleboi New Member

      Feb 3, 2011
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      lastest build working great. Thanks alot +rep
    18. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Please try v1.0.7..
    19. papathick

      papathick New Member

      Dec 29, 2010
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      I feel like a fool but I cant get this to work. Do I go to a pool then start or do I need a profile? the description said it was like Archeology so i figured i just started. If i need a profile I have searched for pool fishing profiles and cannot find one could u point me in the right direction.
    20. Flamenduck0

      Flamenduck0 New Member

      Dec 3, 2010
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      Just make one its simple and easy
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