Looks like they dont drop enough trash-items anymore, not sure but 5 runs only getting 740 Gold per Hour on heroic mode.
What do you mean by settings too low? One of my farmers is getting 800 gph and the other is getting 4k not sure why the difference.
It's not a problem about the speed he is doing the raid, the problem is i get not enough items to sell.
Class is not important. Same class, few runs before: 4300 Gold per Hour on 25/Heroic. Now: 740 Gold per Hour 25/Heroic. ___ how would the graphic quality change the loot? Just wonder.
Have changed to normal and then again heroic, lets see what he get. I read allready people cleared cache and relog then the droprates was good again. Strange!
Wow cache, can't believe honorbuddy cache brings the droprate down. ^^ I cleared the cache, relogged and set the Dungeon from Heroic to Normal and back to Heroic. Now it looks like he get better stats again. BUT! The faq. What could this be?
Raaz. -.- Im blond, okay. :^) But im not this stupid. It was hours on heroic. I just saw the heroic on my minimap and in the chat while he farms exactly 740 Gold per Hour. Maybe its a bug, that you are in a heroic instance but recieve the normal loot. This would make sense to change from heroic to normal and back after you cleared the cache and relog. Not sure.
Then maybe what's happening to you is happening to others. But it is an issue I personally have not come across. If you see the issue is now resolved then suggest your solution to others since I'm sure Fandig2 is also tired of seeing this issue coming up every 2-3 pages.