I've been having this error for a while, my char no longer moves and it keeps saying 'moving to hunting ground wapoint <coord> ' See attached file for more info. Thanks View attachment 12428 2016-09-16 12.37.txt
Amador I think i may have found the issue. On your character can you look up The Loremaster of Legion achievement Loremaster of Legion - Achievement - World of Warcraft and see if all but the "Good Suramaritan" criteria are completed (Should be 4/5 parts of the achievement completed) If this is the case like it is on my character then the bot profile already exhausted all the quests for 100-110 as Good suramaritan isnt supported. I think it happened on mine because i began at 98.
This was not the case. wasnt even close to finishing it at all. Thanks for your reply though. Still waiting for a solution...