在网站注册完毕后 进入HB 输入账号密码时 提示Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again. •The user name or password provided is incorrect
是的,我点击register 然后There is already an account registered with this email please choose a different one.
通过下面连接发送激活邮件 Resend Validation Email - Buddy Auth Portal QQ邮箱需要将 Code: noreply@buddyauth.com 添加白名单,如果提示你的帐号已经激活,那么你需要知道你用户名才能重置密码 重置密码连接如下 Request Password - Buddy Auth Portal 如果你不记得用户名需要用买key填写的邮箱发邮件到 Code: support@thebuddyforum.com 等待邮箱客服查询回复你用户名再重置密码