Hi i've a long time now been wondering, how many auctions would you think seem legit? Or do even blizz care about how many auctions you post? How many auctions do you usually post?
I am very confident that the people who say Blizzard bans based on the number of auctions you have up are just pulling that information out of their ass. I have been botting in WoW pretty much nonstop since the days of WoW!Sharp and have never been banned for exploiting the economy. I can have as many as 2000 auctions up at one time (single stacks of volatiles nowadays) and I have not been banned. You'll get banned for exploiting the economy if Blizzard thinks (or knows) you are trying to sell gold.
agreed i have 300-600 auctions day depositing 20-30k in my gbank for 3weeks solid no bans .. if u try to do things fishy u throw up flags send it to a lvl 1..or deposit it withdraw ona lvl 1 ..or buy some overly priced crap .. just dew eet like its legit ..
I flood the AH with Whiptail, ore etc. Been doing this for a long time. I think we are trying to overthink the way people get banned, the only way I think it happens is via player reports. Not just one but I say they need a good few reports before they start to investigate the player. I don't think for one second they have any fancy script that looks at AH, player kills etc. The best weapon they have is other players.
Same I do probably 300 Auctions at a time, and normally do this every other day dependent on how much I run my bots Such as yesterday I loaded up 95 Stacks of Twilight Jasmine, more than was on the AH total just by me. And I do this alot with no issues And am constantly dropping 20-40K in guild bank, which is then taken back out by me and my friend when we get certain amounts for our splits.
oh i dont think so, just take a look at the statistics in the achievements window, i am pretty sure they know about such things. and another thing is the more auctions you post the more possible it is to get player tickets because of destroying the economy. so dont get greedy people ^^
I'm sure they do statistical analysis, but in a game with 10 million players you can't always be sure there are not legitimate players in the statistical anomalies. So they can't just automatically ban based on that. What if a guild was just funneling all their mats to a single person to sell them. A close knit guild that runs in a more socialist manner that provides all mats and such to the guild would probably do something like this.
sending it to other characters will do nothing, if they wana find out who u are, and what characters their working with beleive me they will. if they think your small fish they will probably leave u alone, id say its smart to auto no more than the actual time u would be spending playing wow, and also try to find some permanent buyers, so you can reduce the amounts of stacks u sell per week in the AH.