[19:42:51.599 D] Activity: RunLua: WorldMapFrame:Show() 1 number of times while waiting 1500 inbetween [19:42:51.599 D] Goal: RunLua-RunLua: In Progress (no associated quest) [Ref: "[A-Quest] The Battle Rages On WorldQuest Zinner" @line 191] [19:42:53.151 D] [RunLua-RunLua(debug)] RunLua behavior complete. since today, does it over and over and over for some reason. any ideas?
not to make myself sound like an idiot.. but im not sure how to even install this.. "1. Go here and download TortoiseSVN: Downloads * TortoiseSVN" where is go here?.. there is no link to do this?.. anyone help me out plz. stuck on first step haha.
Hi, I am not sure if anyone has posted this but there is an issue if you check the "Use random mount" option in the Settings. When you launch the profile it will attempt to run to every location instead of mounting. If you select "Use Ground Mount" only it will correctly mount. I assume this is because flying has not been unlocked yet? Thanks. Great work!
I've gone through the cache deleting once already, and couple days later trying to use world quests again i'm getting the same world map open/close issue. Surely there has to be a fix for this?
I've had a version for mine, what about deleting the appdate local, that is recommended? So you found that you don't need to delete that right? Here is mine Code: title Honorbuddy WQ's Quick Cache Deleter... @echo off echo Please Make Sure WoW and Honorbuddy Are Closed. Pause echo "Deleting cache" IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Honor Buddy\Cache" ( RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\Honor Buddy\Cache" ) IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Cache" ( RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Cache" ) Pause echo "launching" start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Honor Buddy" Pause
Hi, firstly thx you, But my bot don't use spell on mob when i pull it, just autoattack it. I delete cache and other, reinstall but nothing? Someone got same prob? Quest : A Cleansing Cocktail in Azsuna
hello. congrats for this beset profiles, but have one problem. sometimes wont to loot elite bosses. what i do to looted? sorry for my poor english.
I had to come, I had to say. Damn nice job on profiles and those red tips in bot, perfect! Wish every profile would have tips like that. Had troubles starting it but following tips got it up and running in few minutes!
I have created a simple batch file to delete the cache files my honorbuddy is on my second harddrive though so you will need to copy in your directory of honorbuddy. Code: title Honorbuddy WQ's Quick Cache Deleter... @echo off echo Please Make Sure WoW and Honorbuddy Are Closed. Pause echo Deleting Honorbuddy Cache... IF EXIST "E:\Honorbuddy 3.0.16138.854\Cache" ( rmdir "E:\Honorbuddy 3.0.16138.854\Cache" /s /q ) echo Deleting WoW Cache... IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Cache" ( rmdir "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Cache" /s /q )
Hi and thanks for this. It was working fine until my bot kept trying to go to Suramar where my fire mage would get wrecked time and time again. Is there a way to avoid Suramar? I found deleting that folder just let to an error in honorbuddy so that won't work. I also tried to load profiles individually for a zone but they are not named the same as the quest they represent.
Edit the autoloader.xml file - scroll to the section with Suramar quests - delete all the lines - save - load autoloader as normal.
awesome profile. Hard with dps classes without very high ilvl, but tanks are getting crazy good artifact power and resources. Great work.
if it helps, the damn autoloader does that opening and closing the map repeatedly only for [42119] A Cleansing Cocktail keeps saying "Loading Profile [42119] A Cleansing Cocktail - WIN!"