I'm in the process of adding a Suramar profile. Thanks for the links, but I don't reference anyone else's work for my own.
I mean no disrespect and my prior post wasn't meant as a complaint, but rather an observation from going through 3 toons (actually 4 now). I always do the Artifact quests by hand, because I actually enjoy playing them, and quite a few Order Hall quests as well. However, the furthest along I've been after using the profile (plus hand play for Artifacts and Order Hall) was about 53% through 109. Again, I mean this in the best possible way, not as a complaint. It may been class/spec dependent to a degree (ie. Demon Hunters only have 2 artifacts) and there could be additional variables involved; but in my experience, the profile has not gotten me to 110. Adding side quests and/or continuing the profile into the Falling Star quest line would certainly help, and we know those will come in time. Thank you for the hard work on these, I really mean it. I can't imagine the time and effort put into the profiles, let alone responding to each post in this thread. We (or at least I) do appreciate it immensely.
I'm not sure where this should technically go. Anyways, I've been using kickz and your awesome questing profile pack and I was wondering if there was an easy edit to ensure it flew everywhere possible instead of ground mounting. This would ensure a greater movement speed in between points and would allow for quicker transportation between areas. Even if it was 10 yards above the ground it would be very beneficial. I understand they were created ground because of restrictions that have since been removed. Just curious if it could be a quick fix instead of a complete rewrite.
<WoWUnit Name="Light's Heart" Entry="112953" X="929.3906" Y="3596.45" Z="197.4272" /> Windwalker Monk
<WoWUnit Name="Light's Heart" Entry="112952" X="3114.773" Y="988.8958" Z="258.3669" /> Destro Warlock
Could we have the bot grab the Dungeon quests of each zone? so we don't have to go fish for the quest givers afterwards... Of course we have to do them manually but they are amazing for getting max level and reward ilvl800 gear pre-110. Thanks!
idk if this profile is a AFK profile but I notice the bot needs help about every hr for at least 10 minutes or so. I think around lvl 15 it needs help and lvl 23 it needs help and so far I have got to lvl 56 and have had to manually play for at least 2-3 hours total just because the bot needs help with some quests. Also for some reason randomly my character won't attack if he's being attacked or wont attack the target at all so I will manually have to do it and this alone has had me die in a loop about 8 times in a row till i finally manually played through the few missions it does this on. I was hoping I could run this loader and step away from my pc but it seems like I can't trust it if I turn my back away from it so because of this I have watched the bot play about 98% of the time. Anyone have any answers for a noob?
Between the <HBProfile> and <QuestOrder> tags, you can include <DefaultNavType>Fly</DefaultNavType> This will set the default to fly - but I can't guarantee it will absolutely 100% make the bot fly between every point.
This was requested before - I originally removed them so they wouldn't clutter the questlog up. But I can add them back.
The Assassination Artifact profile will need a lot of work. There's a lot of mechanics that the bot will have a ton of troubles working around. Given this, I can only suggest manually completing this chain for now.
I can only say thank you!!! I left my priest at lv101 just 11hrs botting...now is at lv 109! All afk Wow!!! Thank you !!
I also stuck at lvl 108, class hall quests are finished, the storyline in Stormheim stops at 3/8. Quests [No Wings Required], and [To Weather the Storm] are left in the quest log. View attachment 4020 2016-09-22 16.02.txt
Another issue, DH artifact quest line [Pressing the Assault] got "Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile." error. My toon jumped into the water under Dalaran and stopped. View attachment 6872 2016-09-22 14.04.txt