Hey Team, The HB3 current build targeting for Factions is not working correctly. Using Grindbot. Thought it was the profile but tried grinding a few rep profiles over the last 2 days and all of them are running right past mobs and not targeting them. I've checked Faction IDs using developer tools on all the profiles and all are correct. It simply will not pull them, pulls some but not all. Two Logs attached, although looking at them I can't see why they aren't! Please can you advise a solution as it's very frustrating! thanks, L
I can second this. I am unable to Target neutral mobs using grindbot - either using faction, mob id, or both. And when entering the requested neutral mob I want to kill and skin (a unicorn type thing) it makes it so it wont attack anything on the profile... but when I remove the mob ID and/or the faction of this neutral mob... It will begin targetting and attacking the aggressive mobs in the grind area. very frustrating.
Updated. Still seems to have the problem. DPulls some mobs but runs right up to others and doesn't pull them. Missing a full half of the available mobs. Log Attached.
Updated but not fixed Doesn't seem to be fixed. I've updated HB. Profile and Log attached. Problem: Runs past non blacklisted faction mobs and does not attack them.