So, I cleared my cache again, I removed all quests in game, I started HB with the blank loader v2.0 and now my character wants to run to the NE of Stormheim and doesnt use any mesh or walking, just straight. Also says:"no mount spell known" or something as well occasionally.. bots on other characters on the account work fine. View attachment 6872 2016-09-24 11.44.txt
[18:44:43.696 D] MountName has no value yet [18:44:43.696 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet set your mounts plz
Well, it mounts fine, it just runs straight off the map and gets fatigued in the ocean is the problem. edit: Mounts are set now, and same thing, is that I meant.
Turns out it was on Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - NPC - World of Warcraft quest and it didnt know how to get there, for some reason the bot couldnt find its way to the boat. Other characters had no issues.