收到这封邮件,但是激活之后貌似只是论坛激活,之后再进商店注册界面发送激活邮件怎么也收不到。 Dear JerryNan, Thank you for registering at the Honorbuddy, Demonbuddy, Buddystore, Archebuddy - TheBuddyBots. Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration. Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered member. You will only need to visit this URL once to activate your account.
多次重新发送邮件之后死活接收不到,垃圾箱回收站都找了。之前的那个激活邮件激活之后只是论坛的账号貌似。。 重新发送后这个界面但是邮箱死活接收不到了 Confirmation Thank you for registering. Please check your email for a confirmation request with a link that will confirm your account. Once you click the link, your registration will be complete.
为什么我注册 一直提示 邮箱用的是购买CDK的邮箱 There is already an account registered with this email please choose a different one. Create a New Account Use the form below to create a new account. Make sure you use the same email address you used while purchasing your Buddy product. (The same email when purchasing keys, or your legacy shop account email address.) Passwords are required to be a minimum of characters in length. Account Information
你的邮箱已经注册过了, 你可以登录你的邮箱查看你的历史邮件找到你的帐号 然后通过Request Password - Buddy Auth Portal重置你的密码之后再登录 如果无法找到你的帐号你可以通过买key邮箱发邮件到 Code: support@thebuddyforum.com 进行查询帐号
Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again. This account is not yet approved. Please contact support at support@thebuddyforum.com 我使用KEY邮箱注册,还是登陆不上
QQ邮箱需要将 Code: noreply@buddyauth.com 添加白名单 然后通过下面连接发送激活邮件 Resend Validation Email - Buddy Auth Portal 收到邮件后点击邮件里的连接激活帐号才可以正常登录
通过下面连接发送激活邮件 Resend Validation Email - Buddy Auth Portal QQ邮箱需要将 Code: noreply@buddyauth.com 添加白名单,如果提示你的帐号已经激活,那么你需要知道你用户名才能重置密码 重置密码连接如下 Request Password - Buddy Auth Portal 如果你不记得用户名需要用买key填写的邮箱发邮件到 Code: support@thebuddyforum.com 等待邮箱客服查询回复你用户名再重置密码
你好,我用了QQ邮箱注册,但是无法登陆,显示This account is not yet approved. Please contact support at support@thebuddyforum.com,然后我想通过邮箱激活,因为我是QQ邮箱,收不到邮件