So I logged in this morning and found out I was kicked out of my Guild. I admit that the guild is a very serious PVP guild and I know I deserve to be kicked because I guess my guild is a bit too famous. But the problem is he mentioned a honorbuddy programmer. I asked an officer what was the reason. Then he told me an honorbuddy programmer was in the same BG with me and said it looked bad for a guild. He also mentioned I was running through honorbuddy nodes, which I dont know what exactly that looks like. But I still think its absurd that my guild member could know I was botting..... Seriously, does this kind of thing often happen?
That could be anybody that writes any personal profile or plugins. If you are in a serious PvP guild and then using honorbuddies pvp bot, you may need to do some research. The base pvp bot that comes with honorbuddy has run into some issues, i gained so much popularity that it was easy to spot trains. Once you knew what to look for, its uncomfortably easy to spot a bot moving from objective to objective in a battleground. There are only so many hotspots (what he called nodes) in the profile the bot uses, eventually its just going to repeat them. With that in mind it has made it extremely easy for people to recognize a botter and report them in battlegrounds. Its one of the most common ways to be banned using honorbuddy. Whoever caught you likely uses the bot for routines in bg's but not automated movement. Be happy you just received a /gkick instead of a straight ban.
Thank you. Because I thought the chance of getting a player from the same server who also detected my botting would be very low..... Also I think people who dont usually use BGbuddy will not be able to detect botters in BG easily as everyone is just so busy doing their own stuff, maybe only other fellow botters would actually have the time to find my guild officer and report me to the guild.....
While botters report botters is not new, the actual players are usually more furious regarding botting as well, so it is nothing new for them to chase certain character, which they believe is botting.
The problem with HB is how it turns from one node to another. It's too easy to spot a bot just by looking at him walking. I think there should be some curvature to it, to make it look more legit.
The majority of players in open world are not aware of the bots or that bot are gathering or questing around them, so they cannot recognize the botting behavior, which is obvious for you,since you are running bot and used to with those elements.