Don't Just provide Log. Use this template: Provide Info: Profile Name: Quest: Brief Description of the Problem: This report will not get fixed with poor report like this.
DK artifact quest (frost and blood) have problems with navigation in acherus. When they are started at upper part (Hall of command) bot cannot navigate to lower part (Heart of Acherus) to q giver. I must move char to portal manually ( you will see it in log). Another stuck when doing frost is right next to entrance to Icecrown citadel. Bot stops few yards before place where is char ported to scenario. when I move him manually everything is ok after this point.
Does the Autoloader for Legion questing only work in a set zone order? I chose Val first and it keeps trying to load High Mountain.
I kept dying doing the quest Stormheim's Salvation due to the Felskorn Channelers not being burned down. I added 'ImmediatelySwitchToHighestPriorityTarget="True"' to the CustomBehavior tag and it worked very well: <CustomBehavior File="KillUntilComplete" QuestId="40005" ImmediatelySwitchToHighestPriorityTarget="True" QuestObjectiveIndex="1" X="2455.637" Y="913.7571" Z="596.142" > <PursuitList> <PursueUnit Id="96489" Priority="500" /> <PursueUnit Id="92224" Priority="300" /> <PursueUnit Id="96491" Priority="300" /> <PursueUnit Id="96090" Priority="300" /> <PursueUnit Id="92307" Priority="100" /> </PursuitList> </CustomBehavior> File: [N-Quest] Stormheim [Echo].xml
There's a user dialog that's appearing that you're not clicking past. The bot's waiting for you to click it. Also, use Auto-Loader v2 instead.
Then all you'd need to do is just change your ground mount setting to a mount that's not a flier. You can do this on the "Settings & Tools" menu.
The Suramar profile is still being worked on. I had to take a 3day break from all this - and I've just got back else it would be ready by now.
My ground mount is not a flier. I assume when changing to nav="run", HB checks if char is mounted and not if char is mounted on a ground mount and continues waypath. Maybe changing this check in HB core or force a dismount in profile when changing from "fly" to "run" might solve this problem?
I'm guessing by "third quest" you mean you've done all three artifact weapon quest lines? I'll need a log to see what's going on but in the mean time, I'm looking into adding "intro skips" if it's detected that your player has started questing in Azsuna already.
Bugged in what way that it merits blacklisting? Are they stuck in walls? Stuck in evade? I'm guessing this is in the Frostfire Ridge profile as well?