So far this is awesome. Will this be a store purchased profile after completion? I'd be willing to spend the 15 or 20 euro on this profile personally. Is there a way through this is or a plug to auto use the artifact power items?
Just stopping in to say: My bot finished all the world quests in Azsuna! Not one world quest left there to do. Great work!
Hello, since last SVN update my toon is dismissing his pet even with the "Disable Pet Usage" turned off. It is a bug? Thanks
If you are taking about the emissary CHESTs for the 4 completed wq´s the answer is yes it will turn in that quest and get the reward each day (if theres enuff quests done)
Thank you, you could have easily sold this in the buddy store, appreciate the generosity and hard work, perhaps add a donate button to the 1st page ?
Hello! The profile "[42160] Unwelcome Visitors - WiN!" is broken. The buddy skips Arkethrax and hasn't fight him. As a result - the buddy cant finish the world quest.
so what I dont understand is that I have the daily 4 quest for warden but the bot is just running around doing other factions instead of wardens? I havent edited or modified the bot at all or changed any settings. Can someone help?
Pretty sure the profile doesn't focus on the factions you have emissary quests for. It'll just complete the emissary quest at the end of a run, if you happened to finish it along the way.
This quest is listed under Aszuna, but it's actually located in Highmountain today. I wonder if it can happen in any zone? Code: <If Condition="WorldQuestInfo.HasWorldQuest(41560)"> <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Azsuna\41560-[N]-[QUEST]-Wq-Felhide-WiN" RememberProfile="true" /> </If>
Honorbuddy is now saying "logging in...." and staying on that screen forever. Does this have to do with this world quest program?