Storheim Questing Problem Quest: Victory is Eternal. Problem: Bot keeps running by the Huge Monster and getting 1 hitted. Came Back to totally red gear.
Another Problem with Stormheim. Upon leaving Helheim - can't nav to any of the remaining quests- logs attached (2nd is a cut down one where i simulated the issue)
[InteractWith-Intera(warning)] Attribute 'Priorityu' is not a recognized attribute--ignoring it. [Ref: "[N-Quest] Highmountain [Echo] ($Rev: 5651 $)" @line 1152]
It's getting worse and worse... quests that few days ago worked well now bugging. PHP: Goal: Picking Up Quest - Imbeciles Abound! ( : From - Doctor Sintar Malefious ( [Ref: "Pickup" @line 6356]
First of all, thx for the profile! it helped a lot! Second, my toon (rogue outlaw) got lvl 109 and now there is nothing more to do. Nevertheless, there is artifact and class hall quests to do. Is this profile contains those quests? how do I get it done? Because I saw a folder there with artifacts quests, but couldnt get it to work. Any help? Best regards.
Noticed the Gorgrond profile for horde isn't working. It went through frostfire just fine when it tries to load the next profile for Gorgrond all it does is the following: Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile '[Fly][H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick].xml' View attachment 46020 2016-09-27 12.41.txt Tried restarting honorbuddy, etc still just spams the loading profile. Thanks
Right now it doesn't do really anything. I've not had time to develop it yet. It will be fleshed out as the weeks progress.
Right now it 'draws' the circles by using CTM - which CTM likes to not reach its destination completely before terminating, which makes things like this a pain. Fortunately the CTM is just a placeholder. I'm investigating a way to detect the 'fire' flags so the bot will walk directly onto them. Thanks for the feedback!
Added to the profile - thanks! I'll have to investigate the issue you're reporting. For my testers, the AbandonQuest helped in a situation where the quest failed and didn't seem to cause any problems.
Currently the "Could not create current quest in bot!" issue is caused by issues in the Objective system. It's being worked on, but is widely broke due to Blizzard's cache database being broke. The only thing I could suggest is to use a relogger such as HBRelog. It will log your game back in if WoW closes or you disconnect.
There's no estimate. Right now there's too many bugs and missing features in the existing profiles to work on new ones.
This looks like an error in the navigation system - under any circumstance it should be able to calculate a path from those two locations without failing in that manner. The only thing I could think as a temporary patch until I can get my testers out is to setup a more tolerable movement path to the point. I've pushed this in the latest update. Thanks for the report!
This was a mistype by Hawker, who is helping with work on the pack for the legacy zones. I've fixed it in the latest update.
I'm still implementing the artifact quest profiles and the class hall quests. This is a very long task due to how tricky it is to develop and test this stuff. It will all be done within the coming weeks though as I've got all the needed class+specs to develop and test with.