Thanks for all the hard work. It seems to be working well for most of the quests. The only issue I've really had so far is that it's trying to do an elite kill quest and has died multiple times and just keeps coming back for more. *edit* I just found the doDanger setting so it's all good now.
Suramar - The Fallen Ones This profile gets stuck when it goes underground. It tries to go straight through the center platform instead of going around.
Any plans to add a reward filter? Like only do AP quests. As fun as it might be to do all of them for some people I only really care for AP this point but selecting profiles myself is getting old. Just a suggestion, not a demand.
anybody else having problem with the quest char wat it does it he gos to the area of the quest and stay there opeing the mas a closing it all he does is that...
Hello. Randomly, the bot will do quests and without reason (apparently) it will stop and a 10 minute timer will engage. After this timer, it starts for a 10 minute wait again (the bot does nothing).. Sometimes restarting the bot allow it to resume quests, sometimes not. Is this a bug? What to do ? Thank you. (Sorry for my english ^^).
When the bot Thinks you completed all the quest it can do it will start the timer.. if you have not completed them and bot still Thinks you have.. just clear cache and start over
in the Auto loader <!-- Profile Settings: --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doDanger = true;" /> <!-- change 'false' to 'true' to let the bot do DANGER World Quests --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doDanger112 = false;" /> <!-- change 'false' to 'true' to let the bot do Level 112 Elite DANGER World Quests --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doHard = false;" /> <!-- change 'false' to 'true' to let the bot do Level 110 Elite Zone World Quests --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doWanted = true;" /> <!-- change 'false' to 'true' to let the bot do WANTED World Quests --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doPVP = false;" /> <!-- change 'false' to 'true' to let the bot do PVP/Warden Tower World Quests --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doWorldBoss = false;" /> <!-- change 'false' to 'true' to let the bot do World Boss Quests --> <!-- Zone Settings --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doAzsuna = true;" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doHighmountain = true;" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doStormheim = true;" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doSuramar = true;" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doValshara = true;" />
View attachment 1440 2016-09-29 23.44.txt Problem with azuna. It shows and error when i SVN update aswell. Tried removing it and make a new svn download, same thing
Hi, I updated from the SVN today and am getting the following error (with log attached) preventing HB from starting up: View attachment 17748 2016-09-30 11.11.txt
Is it possible to have a auto loader for each zone, like Suramar for instance as not interested in doing every zone? But hey keep up this amazing project
tweak it in the autoloader <!-- Zone Settings --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doAzsuna = true;" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doHighmountain = true;" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doStormheim = true;" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doSuramar = true;" /> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool doValshara = true;" />
Any1 else having problem where bot stops and starts opening map even though the WQ is just half way or so? : o