Yeah it took a taxi after I clicked on it. I always force empty bags on my two TH toons cause they get stuck at flight master, so once they get there I click on it, it sees it's on a taxi then gets to TH and continues again. It can't do it on its own, it will simply say ingame "there is no direct destination there." My toon is undead DK, but my goblin DK does the same thing. Log to me looks like it wants to go to refuge point.. alliance flight path
Your undead dk should not be seeing that. Hmmm. I will have to do a further lua check. I'll post back tomorrow.
5:11:34 AM:328]:In combat with Obsidian Stoneslave which has 52655 health. [5:11:34 AM:375]:Key 8 pressed. [5:11:34 AM:828]ead. [5:11:40 AM:406]:Found a spirithealer! [5:11:48 AM:578]:Waiting for resurrection sickness to expire. [5:11:50 AM:187]:Get Aura, Aspect, Shadowform or other long buff. [5:11:50 AM:390]:Waiting for resurrection sickness to expire. [5:11:52 AM:15]:Get 5 minute buff. [5:11:52 AM:187]:Waiting for resurrection sickness to expire. [5:11:53 AM:859]:Get 15 minute buff. [5:11:53 AM:968]:Waiting for resurrection sickness to expire. [5:11:55 AM:843]:Mount to avoid combat with Rez Sickness. [5:11:55 AM:921]:Bar 3 button 1 to mount. [5:11:56 AM:15]:Waiting for resurrection sickness to expire. [5:11:59 AM:718]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent needed. [5:12:09 AM:687]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent complete. [5:12:09 AM:718]:Mount sequence complete. [5:12:09 AM:828]:Waiting for resurrection sickness to expire. [5:12:14 AM:359]:Already mounted. [5:12:14 AM:609]:Waiting for resurrection sickness to expire. [5:12:24 AM:953]:Resurrection complete. [5:12:25 AM:156]:Waiting for resurrection sickness to expire. [5:20:33 AM:812]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:20:35 AM:218]ead. [5:20:35 AM:390]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:20:51 AM:359]:Resurrection complete. [5:20:51 AM:593]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:20:51 AM:609]ead. [5:20:51 AM:906]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:21:07 AM:734]:Resurrection complete. [5:21:07 AM:843]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:21:07 AM:875]ead. [5:21:08 AM:171]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:21:23 AM:984]:Resurrection complete. [5:21:24 AM:93]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:21:24 AM:140]ead. [5:21:24 AM:390]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:21:40 AM:281]:Resurrection complete. [5:21:40 AM:312]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:21:40 AM:343]ead. [5:21:40 AM:593]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:21:56 AM:453]:Resurrection complete. [5:21:56 AM:546]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:21:56 AM:562]ead. [5:21:56 AM:859]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:22:12 AM:687]:Resurrection complete. [5:22:12 AM:812]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:22:12 AM:828]ead. [5:22:13 AM:125]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:22:28 AM:953]:Resurrection complete. [5:22:29 AM:78]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:22:29 AM:109]ead. [5:22:29 AM:359]:Can't see player health - is there a valid wow connection. [5:22:33 AM:937]:Can't see WoW so kill the wow process and exit. [5:22:34 AM:343]:Error - Main wow thread is not found: Process with an Id of 2148 is not running.. Gatherbuddy will exit now. [5:22:35 AM:703]:Gatherbuddy is closing down. closed on me again after leaving it over night
not sure if it hearths + logs like before. I woke up today and it was in my farming area with full bags. Not a big deal just thought I'd share
No everything was just closed i didnt get a error message or anything. Tony said it was because [1:06:31 AM:437]:Last error was: Requires Herbalism 525 [1:06:31 AM:437]:Can't harvest Twilight Jasmine yet. Blacklist for 15 minutes. but i dont get that it was running for a while after that.
i didnt said something like that you didnt gave a description of your problem on my thread we cant imagine/guess your issue without a description that was your description btw "Ok well i ran the profile and well it craped out on me. I was sleeping so i have no idea what happened to it so i hope you can figure it out for me. Only ran for 2hours and as you can imagin 2hours a day doesnt make for much profit lol"
Ok well sorry for confusing you guys mess up on my end Ty for the help anyways hawk,tony. Now to try AB
Hawker will you please at least acknowledge that there is something wrong with Vashj'ir mailing? I have posted about this issue at least seven times in the last month and a half and have never gotten a reply.
Win 7 64 bit, net framework 4.0 all work good till,, and . I thought it was a glitch and its fixed a but older versions do not work, while the new one terrible bug. From any location bots scatter in different directions right, one in the ocean, the second from Hyjal to Darnass, etc. Tested on 4 computers, before version worked perfectly. What should I do? If I write a new path itself, it does not work bot flies nowhere. But these ways, work Why? When u fix it?
Ran this new version in vash for few hours today and went good. Had set to log off when bags full and was able to fill bags. I havent been able to successfully herb in vash in very long time due to the twitch when tries to mount thing. Not sure if you guys did something different or what. Had 2 toons herbing today. 1 DK, 1 druid. The DK was able to herb mount no problems. And druid was able to herb in sea lion form, with only popping out of form few times that I seen. Very nice. Have not tested anything else yet. Just vash.
WOW crashed too much tonig. I am runing 12x wow with difrent computer. i open one of them , another one at another computer disconencts. and anot her and another. i opened like 100x times wow tonight i get bored. error message jpg :