I think I found it. The CanLoot is to blame, since according to documentation "Returns true if you can loot this gameobject, works for herbs minerals and chests.". Remove CanLoot and use something like !IsHerb && !IsMineral Code: List<WoWGameObject> chests = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfTypeFast<WoWGameObject>().Where(c => c != null && c.Distance <= Range && c.SubType == WoWGameObjectType.Chest && !Blacklist.Contains(c.Guid, BlacklistFlags.All) && c.Distance <= Range && !c.IsHerb && !c.IsMineral).OrderBy(c => c.Distance).ToList(); This is quick and dirty. You need to use the variables in the other post that indicated whenther the toon has the profession of course.
I did some modificationbs to the Main.cs. Increased the performance, locked chests are ignored and if a chest can't be reached it will be blacklisted.
It doesn't even work and hasn't been modified for Legion. As far as I know there is nothing that loots the barrels at this point. Fishing Buddy locks movement down really bad, so it's next to impossible to add in Fishing Barrels.