I ran into the Moonwhisper Stalker problem again. It was a problem with my combat routine I believe. But if anyone else has this problem I fixed the issue by setting 'Targeting by Singular' to auto in my Singular config. Worked like a charm. I've run into another place where it gets stuck however. '[Quest][N] Herbalism & Mining - Suramar - Starlight Rose And Felslate 1.xml' is the profile I'm running. It seems to have fallen down cliff but I wasn't watching when it happened. The issue seems to start around this mark: [06:42:32.972 V]. May not be an issue with the profile itself, but if there was a way you could through in the Flight masters whistle if you get outside the questing area for whatever reason that'd be sweet. I don't know how easy this stuff is though, so...you do you!
i will look into this, however, it seems its just a bug with moving towards herb/vein. if you would have read the other comments or seen the announcement on our discord channel you would have seen that this is a Honorbuddy issue, not profile issue.
your herb profiles. foxflower marshes. it mounts fine. using the other one, (long route) doesnt do it. Suramar starlight rose, the 1st one mounts fine, the 2nd one doesnt. Im not exactly sure if its actually a profile issue or not. but maybe you can look into it.
Mounting issues are known for GB2, Grind and Questing, not just my profiles but many others aswell. It would be mighty of you to send a logfile so i can know more than that, there are Several Suramar profiles.
running suramar herb/mine #1 QB for some reason running this profile on my toon with herb/skin it won't skin mobs. i know it says mine/herb profile, but other similar profiles it still skins crap that it kills trying to herb. i have checked and in settings skin and ninja skin are both enabled. don't know what the deal is =\ also, there is a spot that it gets stuck at and just runs back and forth. like it sees an herb up on a hill, so it turns around to get up the hill to get herb, but then it went too far and forgot what it was doing, then runs back where it was going, sees same herb etc back and forth.. if i manually run over to top of hill near herb it'll continue fine. (i don't have log for that one, i will try and get it for next time.
I was using the herbalism questline. It did some of the lvl 1 ones and then it just stops in dalaran looping some shit. Tried abandoning the quest, it goes picks it up then stops in same place in dalaran and keeps looping again, kinda disappointed since this is the main reason I bought it. WTB fix ASAP!
Skinning and mounting is a huge issue with Honorbuddy at the moment, report that issue to the support thread and the buddystaff will get the note of your issue aswell Highmountain profiles are not easy to make, there are herbs and veins places the bot cannot go, it will try and just do as you have explained by going back and forth, i'm trying to blacklist all these areas but it's not easy because there are so many, most of them are blacklisted already. IF you find any herbs/veins it can't get to, manually walk ontop of the herb/vein and generate a Hotspot and post the position and i will add it to the blacklist This issue is fixed and will be in the next version once buddystaff approves it Sorry for the issues you have had.
I just bought this, will be extensively testing this and will post my results over the next coming weeks. Although, there is a hurricane coming my way so may knock my power out. Im excited. The trial went well, except for highmountain profile. It kept getting stuck under the waterfall near the bear camp in the river heading towards nessingwary. (on three accounts)
Ooh, the hurricane, i love those but i don't wanna be close to them x) The trial has been reset due to new version with many fixes. The River by the Nessingwary is a mesh issue, they are working on it to make it more "Compatible" for Honorbuddy to walk there.
Is skygolem supported ??? I am using gatherbuddy and my setting is set to sky golem. It seems the bot isint using mount at all, it look suspicious. Bot isint looting too.
Gatherbuddy profiles can't control this, this is HB Core itself. Report this to the support thread:https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/
is this profile good every zone and how many ppl have bought it? 8.50 atm cant complain although euros?
This profile pack is very good, it has gotten many good reviews on the store page. 8.49 Euros indeed. There is a Trial if you visit the Store page.