There's no reason why it should be saying this error under normal circumstances. For it to say that, it would have to be ignoring the "do quest" logic. But for it to ignore the "do quest" logic - the quest would have to be complete in the first place. But if that was the case, then the TurnIn wouldn't be saying it's not complete. Do you have any logs of this?
I've fixed this issue earlier, it should already be live on the store and SVN. The XYZ position for the portal was incorrect.
There's a path generation failure for whatever reason - which is odd because I just tested this specific artifact profile not too long ago. Try turning in the quests you currently have to the Therazane, then start the bot.
This has already been requested and is on the to-do list. The reason why I left out the dungeon quests originally were for reasons like this: Also the level 109 issue will be solved when I add in all the missing Bonus Objectives. Thanks for the tip though.
The bot is simply picking up the quest for convince as users have requested for the profile to do so. If you have the quest in your log, then there's no reason why it would be going back to that location as there's absolutely no code in the profile to tell it to do so. I'll need a log to see why it's going back to that location despite you already having the quest in your log.
Hey, the bot stucks at Mage - in front of the violett Festung [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile 'Legion\Auto-Loader.xml' Changing current profile to Legion Auto-Loader ($Rev: 5753 $) [LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile 'Class Hall Loaders/[N-Quest] Mage [Echo].xml' Changing current profile to [N-Quest] Mage Class Hall Loader [Echo] ($Rev: 5753 $) Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 91, Element: <PickUp QuestName="The Dreadlord's Prize" QuestId="41036" GiverName="Meryl Felstorm" GiverId="102700" X="-843.1996" Y="4431.201" Z="742.5364" /> Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot! After Restarting : [Singular] Soulwell: will use if available [Singular] Mage Table: ignored since HonorBuddy Drink/Food Amount to buy = 0 [Singular] Pull More: enabled up to 3 mobs of type=[Quest] [DoWhen-DoWhen(error)] PROFILE ERROR: UseAtInterval or UseWhen attribute is required. [Ref: "[N-Quest] Mage Class Hall Loader [Echo] ($Rev: 5753 $)" @line 99] [DoWhen-DoWhen(warning) @line 99]: Attribute 'DoWhen' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. [DoWhen-DoWhen(error) @line 99]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile! Bot stopping! Reason: Profile has too many errors I Load the autoloader v.2. what i do wrong?
Everytime I stop the bot it portals back to dalaran then goes back to class hall. Massive issues in Stormheim, wont do anything now just stands in Dalaran on the flight deck after it goes to class hall. I've deleted HB reinstalled re downloaded the profiles updated SVN
Hello, if i start the autoloader, the bot always want to make the artefact quest...thats not the problem, but my char is finish with all these quests, and after that, the bot doesnt start the normal quest, it just finish... View attachment 9144 2016-10-04 22.23.txt
dunno exactly where to put this, but anyways rogue loc lights heart <WoWUnit Name="Light's Heart" Entry="112953" X="-909.5226" Y="4550.677" Z="706.1118" />
Hi i tried this profile today but when i went in with m 110 Deamonhunter the mobs just loot 4 grey items with gave me ~40 Gold.... then it was over and the next run started... idk if i have done something wrong here... but is it possible that Blizz nerfed the drops to avoid botting in Evergreen? Got 832 GS and running through the Mythic Evergreen without any drop just 40 Gold from grey items... Hope you can help me out there !
Echo, Mount Hyjal 80-82. Throwing Bears quest still won't target the trampoline correctly. Gets very near but not enough and endless loop. Needs to finish a few more yards to the left. Log attached (bear quest is right at the end).
Mount Hyjal 80-82. Never had this problem before. Quest: Flamesteer's Staff. Flys from fragment to fragment but doesn't collect them. Log Attached (different toon) Seems to be a problem while mounted on flying mount. If the bot is near them on foot it collects them.
Hello, The bot started getting stuck at level 69 saying going to portals to Orgrimmar or Stormwind. I tried to move him to Northrend and get quests, but will start flying back to the ocean and dying. Now I am at level 84 and keeps doing the same. If I let the bot do it in the old continent it will fly to an area and just keep flying in circles... Any solution? Thanks.
still blocked today, same thing with the priest. for restoration shaman he turns around in p2 (scenario)
No idea why but as of today when trying to start the bot and level my lvl 100 in Stormheim I am getting the following error upon pressing start: After that it stops, saying: Tried reinstalling and it didnt help either. Other questing profiles work but Stormheim seems bugged?
Not running a profile Stormheim. gives an error message. 2 compiler errors encountered in profile '[N-Quest] Highmountain [Echo] ($Rev: 5763 $)' 'If' xml element on line number 1431 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__173() { return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => !IsQuestCompleted(40316) && !QuestFlaggedCompleted(40316) && Me.Level < 110)(); } 1) The name 'QuestFlaggedCompleted' does not exist in the current context at line 0 'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 1432 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__174() { return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => IsQuestCompleted(40316) || QuestFlaggedCompleted(40316))(); } 1) The name 'QuestFlaggedCompleted' does not exist in the current context at line 0
^^^^ Can confirm, I'm getting the same errors in Highmountain (and other zones now that I've checked). I've cleared cache and also have done a fresh install of HB to no avail.