Hey guys, just configured a 2nd account to my collection, but now to the actual issue: I'll most likely move all mats I farm to one acc, and then put the shit out there on AH. But is it safe to transfer the mats + gold through mailbox (cross account)? NOTE: Not selling gold, just for personal use!
I think the safest way is to deposit gold/mats/items in a guild bank, and have a bank alt toon on your main acct withdraw then mail to your main.
Either guild bank, make alt on each account so you can transfer easily and quickly. Orrrr, direct trade. Mailing = gold loss which adds up over time, takes an hour to arrive and, sucks, frankly. That said, there's no problem at all as you own both accounts and are doing it for personal gain xD.
Ye I've heard something like Blizz doesn't really give a damn aslong as ur not making money on the gold. Personal use seems quite /care by them actually.
I've mailed myself over 250k one time, I sent it in 25k amounts tho. Even if I had sent it all at once, I'd probably have only gotten a suspension, seeing as how both accounts are on the same B.net account. Keep in mind tho, moving way way too much through the mail/trades/GVs can get your account flagged, and as such will increase the chance they will investigate other things you are doing in-game. Either way, I'd just tell em my little brother has been trained to farm for hours on end, with no breaks, or he doesn't get to come to the parties. Gets em every time!