Profile loaded successfully! Starting the bot! Currently Using BotBase : Questing Current zone is The Dreamgrove (The Dreamgrove - Zone - World of Warcraft) [Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M] [Singular] Your Level 110 Tauren Guardian Druid Build is [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in The Dreamgrove [Singular] ... Zone: Broken Isles using my SOLO Behaviors alone [WQ] Welcome To The Community World Quest Project [WQ] ~Created by~ [WQ] Zinner, WiN, Staal, Pellepylly, Codex, tsatsa, Nuok [WQ] ~Credit to~ [WQ] Echo, Apoc, and everyone else that has helped [WQ] Current Settings [WQ] Hard Quests [WQ] DoWanted False - DoDangerQuests False - DoElite False - DoPvP False [WQ] Professions [WQ] DoProfessions False - DoWorkOrders False [WQ] Zone [WQ] Azsuna False - Valsharah False - Stormheim False - Suramar False [WQ] Highmountain False - EyeofAzshara False - Dalaran False [WQ] Faction [WQ] TheWardens False - CourtOfFarondis True - KirinTor False - HighmountainTribe True [WQ] Dreamweavers False - TheNightfallen False - Valarjar True [WQ] Rewards [WQ] ArtifactPower False - Equipment False - Items False - Blood of Sargeras False [WQ] OrderHall False - Gold False [WQ] Switching HBRelog task [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something [WQ] Switching HBRelog task [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something [WQ] Switching HBRelog task [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something Stopping the bot! Any solution?
Tick more boxes if you like it to do more quests. Remember we are at 50% done of the 644 World quests
i selected AP only. bot doesnt do anything. keeps spamming [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something
Hi, Iv'e run into a problem on the new update, I copied the folder from your world quest -> Plugin and worldquestsettings into honorbuddy plugins. Now, when I chekc out to do quests in Azsuna or just do it all it comes up this: [WQ] Switching HBRelog task [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something [WQ] Switching HBRelog task [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something [WQ] Switching HBRelog task [WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something What can be wrong, done this last 10min.
The profile is working, i have just a problem with mining quests that require to kill the infernal and then to loot/mine it. For now i unchecked profession quests, cause the toon just stands in front of it and it doesn't loot. Any solutions? (It's a very small thing, so i don't need to fix it asap). And another question: do i have to copy the plugin folder into honorbuddy plugins keeping a copy into the profile or can i cut it and paste to honorbuddy's plugin folder without keeping it? thx!
After last update with plugin implantation i always get this: "[WQ] Looping profile incase we missed something" While i got tons of uncompleted quests and tickeled everything in plugin settings. I'm 100% sure I got quests supported by this community profile but bot just looping. Something is wrong.
Ah, in settings, i think, no? For the folder? Do i have to keep all two folders, one in profile and one in hb or i can cut and paste? Thx!
update svn. clear cache. clear log files in hb.. start Everything up again and retry. if it`s the same problem paste a log
Did exactly what u' said but it still looping. Here's log: View attachment 839500 2016-10-10 15.00.txt
Hi Zinner and everyone involved in this project! Currently it works flawless for me, and I'm really impressed how you managed to get the profiles to scan and cache which worldquests are up and not. I like the plugin aswell, was thinking of doing one myself instead having to rewrite the loader all the time. Awesome job done all! // Simhak
Ah i did not know there was prequests i have the latch hook thing but ill look into what else is needed Thanks for the reply.
This is wonderful. Thanks again. Problem though. I am trying Wanted: Thane Irglov and it fails hard on this quest. It doesn't have the right navigation, so instead of going into a building, it will run up a cliff and fall off repeatedly. Even if I walk him into the room, there are some other NPCs that must be killed before Thane spawns, and the bot will still try to run from the room instead of fight these mobs. Only after Thane has spawned, and I've engaged him will he fight him to the death and move on. Log attached. Thanks again.
Why isnt the profile using the flightmaster to fly to the World Quests location, it keeps mounting and running there and then dismounts and run there...looks super botty
We couldn't find the plugin, Please make sure you have copied the folder 'WorldQuestSettings' from \Default Profiles\world-quests\Plugin to Honorbuddy 3\Plugins and restart the bot basically I have no idea what happened. it seems like the latest update i did somehow deleted the plugin for world quest settings basically the Main.cs file and I have no clue how to get that back on there.
Yeah, it's not showing in the HB plugin window for me, no matter where I put it, or how many times I restart.